Effective risk communication (not); Salmonella in horses cause of mystery UK quarantine

A mysterious quarantine closure order that baffled villagers was caused by a fatal, equine salmonella out-break.

wayne's.world.notOn December 12 the Newbury Weekly News reported how Curridge residents were surprised to see the closure order posted on a public right of way.

Signs stating “Horses in quarantine – footpath and bridleway closed until further notice” appeared on land surrounding Copyhold Farm bearing no further details, council logo or contact number.

It is illegal to obstruct a public right of way by, for example, fencing or locking a gate across it and some residents wanted to know whether the closure, on land popular with ramblers and dog walkers, was official – and whether there was any disease risk to themselves or to their pets.

To add to the confusion, the closure did not appear on a list of public rights of way closure notifications published by West Berkshire Council.

However, following enquiries by this newspaper a spokeswoman for the council, Peta Stoddart-Crompton, said that the council did, in fact, close the path.

“Veterinary surgeons from Donnington Grove were called to see a sick horse at Copyhold Farm in Curridge on November 21. The horse was sent to a veterinary hospital at Liphook [in Hampshire] where it subsequently died,” she said.

“Tests carried out identified salmonella; therefore, the vets subsequently contacted the council who closed the path as a precaution.”