HPP may be safe but this advert is bad

In 2005, Hormel Foodservice became the first meat processor to make a significant investment in High Pressure Pasteurization (HPP).

HPP is employed after the meat is sliced and packaged — so there is no opportunity for harmful pathogens and food spoilage organisms to re-enter the package, and no need for taste-altering preservatives.

Sounds good, although I wonder about the potential for contamination once the package is opened.

But check out this ad which is a good example of marketers messing up science.

Expectant mothers are advised not to eat cold cuts and other refrigerated ready-to-eat foods because of the potential for Listeria contamination.

In addition to the medieval stirrups and a stereotypical representation of birth, there is no mention of why this lunchmeat may be OK other than, it has no preservatives.

Bad Hormel, bad.

Hormel advertises food safety technology for deli

Meatingplace reports the foodservice unit of Hormel Foods is launching an advertising campaign to publicize its use of high-pressure pasteurization on its deli meats.

The campaign contrasts the company’s pre-sliced HPP-treated deli meats to those sliced on premises, which can introduce listeria to the product via slicers that are not properly cleaned and sanitized.

The campaign is aimed at foodservice operators, and markets Hormel’s TrueTaste technology, stemming from the company’s use of HPP equipment installed in its plants.

The campaign is “designed to inform and educate foodservice operators of the potential food safety risks associated with deli meats,” the release says. “High-pressure pasteurization is the most effective way to eliminate dangerous foodborne pathogens such as listeria from sliced deli meats—without any compromise in flavor or texture. The technology also helps extend shelf life.”

The campaign includes print ads and a website that includes a video HPP demonstration and links to additional resources.

Now take it to the next level and advertise direclty to consumers; market food safety at retail so people can choose.