‘It’s too early in the summer to be sick of beans’ Heston makes space food

Something may be lost in translation, but Heston-what’s-norovirus Blumenthal has inexplicitly been chosen to partner with French company Hénaff  to provide UK astronaut Tim Peake with dishes for his stay at the International Space Station.

henaffAccording to a press release forwarded by our French friend, Heston developed gourmet recipes such as beef stew with mushrooms and truffles, sausages with onions, lemon tart, apple tatin … enough to provide variety and please the astronaut who will celebrate Christmas in space.

This collaboration is part of a partnership established in 2013 between the company Hénaff, CNES and Ducasse Training and Education Councils.

The constraints of life aboard the station required specific manufacturing processes: Zero bacteria, low residual moisture content to not generate floating liquid bubbles, and not too dry crumbs, among other considerations.