Wash. enviro agency spent $27,000 in tax dollars on anti-dog poop music video

Health folks should stick to public health, and forget the adventures into taypayer-funded feel-goodisms.

According to SayAnythingBlog, critics are outraged after learning that a government agency tasked with cleaning up Washington’s Puget Sound spent $27,000 on a an anti-dog poop rap video.

The track, released by the Puget Sound Partnership, is set to the flow of Blackstreet’s ’90s’ hit “No Diggity” and has a few slick lines.

“I like the way you walk it, dog doogity, we’ve got to bag it up,” the rapper sings.

But, the track also contains a few, ahem, bombs.

“Yo, dog dropped a deuce.”

Or: “You don’t want to swim in poo.”


The Freedom Foundation, a government watchdog based in Olympia, criticized the Puget Sound Partnership, saying that the hip hop video is just the latest piece of evidence that the group spends tax dollars recklessly.