A Mancini New Year Festivity

The festivities are beginning early in the Mancini household this year with friends and family and we plan to keep the good times going. On New Year’s Eve my family and I wake up early, well I have 2 young kids, so sleeping in is not an option, and we prepare a massive outdoor fire in preparation of roasting different cuts of meat on a spit over the entire day. We set up an outdoor bar, there is music playing and of course friends and family gathering. Looking forward to it. The only problem is that the temperature is not going to be in my favor, be around -27C since I reside in Winnipeg (Canada).


My father-in-law is responsible in roasting the different cuts of meat, my son is the bartender and I am the food safety guy checking temps and preventing cross-contamination. I’m also responsible in bathing the meat with olive oil using a rosemary stick. Good times.

Wishing all our barfblog readers a Happy New Year.