2 (and many more) sick; Salmonella scare closes Melbourne Vietnamese eatery

People like their Vietnamese  food in Australia, and Melbourne has a long history of foodborne illness associated with these eateries.

The Hao Phong restaurant in Footscray was closed by health authorities on Tuesday after two diners were taken to hospital for salmonella poisoning, a Victorian health department spokesman said.

There are a number of other suspected cases involving people who ate at the restaurant, Hao Phong restaurant in Footscrayhe said.

Food cooked at the restaurant has been taken away for testing and the premises has been closed for a thorough clean-up.

Maribyrnong mayor Grant Miles said the council hoped to re-open the restaurant “within a few days”.

“It’s important to say the restaurant is being fully co-operative,” Cr Miles told Justin Smith.

“I believe there are 13 people who are sick from eating in the restaurant, but at this stage it’s still an ongoing investigation.

“I’ve eaten at this restaurant many, many times over the past years. It has an extremely good track record.

Cr Miles said the council had not publicised the closure because there was no proof the restaurant was at fault.

Justin Smith: “So why shut it down?”

Cr Miles: “It’s better to err on the side of caution.”

Justin Smith: “My point exactly.”

It’s believed people who ate at the restaurant between December 27 and 31 have been affected.

This is the state of food safety awareness in Australia.