German cockroaches invade filthy UK takeaway

The owners of the Chick ‘N’ Spice takeaway were fined and the premises were closed after inspectors found an infestation of German cockroaches.

cockroach_1_finEaling Council food safety officers found the cockroach infestation around a chest freezer in the takeaway, with evidence of adults, nymphs and egg casings.

The borough’s cabinet member for safety, culture and community services, Councillor Ranjit Dheer, said: “The vast majority of food outlets in Ealing comply with hygiene requirements.

“The council responded swiftly to tackle the serious and inexcusable hygiene breaches committed by Chick ‘N’ Spice, and had no hesitation closing the premises to protect public safety.”

German shoplifters hide food in pants at NZ Pak ‘n Save

The most revealing aspect of this story is that Germans wear pants. I picture German tourists in nothing but Speedos stuffed with stolen food.

speedo.german.touristYet three German tourists have been caught putting grocery items down their pants in the latest case of foreign shoplifters in Blenheim.

Felix Kopmann, 18, Lukas Harald Kolb, 19, and Jonas Roth, 20, admitted shoplifting at the Blenheim District Court on Monday.

The trio were from Germany and in New Zealand on a working holiday.

A police summary of facts said they went to Pak ‘n Save Blenheim three times in two weeks to steal food.

Each time, they placed grocery items down their pants and left the store without paying.

They stole between $20 and $60 worth of groceries each time, from February 15 to 28.

Kopmann returned to Pak ‘n Save by himself a fourth time on February 27 about 6.30pm, taking a chocolate bar and a snack bar.