Fecal facial latest skin treatment

The N.Y. Post reports that for just $216, Shizuka Bernstein will slather your face in feces for a full 50 minutes — what she calls the "Geisha Facial" — at her Midtown New York spa, Shizuka.

It’s bird poop.

The ancient Japanese cleanser – geishas and kabuki dancers have been using the bird poop to wash off their heavy white makeup since the 18th century – contains guanine, which supposedly removes pollutants and blackheads, and helps even out skin tone.

The exotic excrement comes in a powder form, directly from Japan, and is sterilized with UV light to kill bacteria.

Marilyn Phillips, a 58-yearold Upper West Sider who had a Geisha Facial late last week, said,

"I figure if poop was good for the soil, it’s good for your face. And it doesn’t smell at all. I’d say hair coloring smells way worse."

32-year-old massage therapist Andrea Nieto who went in for the facial last week, said,

"You wouldn’t even know it was nightingale droppings. And after, my skin was softer than it had been in a really long time. And it looked clearer to me, too. But you gotta wonder how they figured to use these things. Who put 2 and 2 together like that?"