Handwashing campaign in France

I’m taking over the handwashing blogging today while Megan recovers from the devastating 2-1 win by Pittsburgh over Detroit to win Lord Stanley’s cup.

I’m talking about hockey.

And I’m not sure Megan cared, but I did. Amy’s crushed.

Albert Amgar in France just e-mailed me about a new handwashing campaign being run by the French Ministry of Health. There are lots of pretty pictures available at http://www.sante-sports.gouv.fr/dossiers/sante/mission-mains-propres/IMG/pdf/Recap_affiches2.pdf

Albert was kind enough to translate one of the posters – it’s below. His English is a lot better than my French. But in honor of Albert, and Amy the French professor, and Katie who’s in Jemaine and Bret’s hometown of Wellington, New Zealand, I also once again present, Foux da fa fa (below).