Australian supermarket fined $208K over dated food

The operators of an Adelaide supermarket have been fined more than $200,000 after displaying food for sale past its use-by date, some by as much as 40 days.

Seaford 7 Days Ltd and Supermarket Investments, which operated the Foodland Port Noarlunga South store in Adelaide’s southern suburbs, foodland.adelaide.jun.13pleaded guilty in the Adelaide Magistrates Court to a total of 57 counts of breaching the Food Act.

Thirty-four of those related to displaying food past its use-by date, with others relating to the condition of the business including the accumulation of food waste, dirt and grease.

In sentencing on Thursday Magistrate Luke Davis said the breaches were serious and continued over an extended period last year despite the supermarket being put on notice by health inspectors.

“It is clear that these offences are the result of a systemic, widespread and negligent failure by those responsible,” Mr Davis said.

The magistrate said it was “perhaps surprising” no member of the public had complained about the supermarket.

But he accepted that management had since dealt with the cleanliness issues and had introduced strict new procedures to prevent any further problems.

He imposed fines totalling $208,750 but did not record convictions against the defendants noting they had already suffered through bad publicity and a loss of income.