UK court fines butcher for food safety breach

A mobile butcher who operates in Littlehampton has been fined £2,100 for breaching food safety standards.

LittlehamptonOn Wednesday, July 23, Jeremy Ireland, of I & J Meats, pleaded guilty to seven offences under the Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 at Worthing Magistrates’ Court.

Ireland, who runs the mobile butchers in Littlehampton High Street and Bognor, was also ordered to pay costs of £1,525.81 and a victim surcharge of £30, giving a total of £3,665.81.

The case followed an inspection by an Arun District Council food safety officer in September, 2013.

During that inspection, the officer found unrefrigerated fresh meat in direct sunlight, further raw meat which was not under temperature control and which was in direct contact with ready-to-eat foods, Arun said.