New Food Safety Infosheet: Puking cheerleader leads to outbreak

The newest food safety infosheet, a graphical one-page food safety-related story directed at food businesses, is now available.

Food Safety Infosheet Highlights:

– Over 220 at cheerleading competition fall ill with norovirus.

– The outbreak likely started when a participant showed up at the competition while ill.

– Health officials believe that the outbreak grew because affected individuals vomited in public.

– Chlorine bleach can inactivate norovirus; Quaternary ammonia (quats) are not recommended because the aren’t effective.

– A 5,000 ppm (25 tablespoons 5.25% bleach per gallon of water). bleach solution should be applied to soiled areas for at least 4 minutes.

Food safety infosheets are created weekly and are posted in restaurants, retail stores, on farms and used in training throughout the world. If you have any infosheet topic requests, or photos, please contact Ben Chapman at You can follow food safety infosheets stories and barfblog on twitter @benjaminchapman and @barfblog.

Click here to download.

New Food Safety Infosheet: Unlicensed Las Vegas caterer a source of Clostridium perfringens intoxications

The newest food safety infosheet, a graphical one-page food safety-related story directed at food businesses, is now available.

Food Safety Infosheet highlights:
– 21 attendees of a catered lunch reported diarrhea and vomiting
– Toxin associated with Clostridium perfringens was isolated from some of the attendees
– The pathogen was found in ham and a plate of mixed food that was served at the luncheon
– Microwaves often heat foods unevenly making take the temperature with a tip-sensitive thermometer in multiple spots

Food safety infosheets are created weekly and are posted in restaurants, retail stores, on farms and used in training throughout the world. If you have any infosheet topic requests, or photos, please contact Ben Chapman at You can follow food safety infosheets stories and barfblog on twitter @benjaminchapman and @barfblog.

Click here to download the infosheet.

Food Safety Infosheet: Salmonella linked to Memphis BBQ restaurant

Moving to the South has resulted in a few changes in my eating habits — especially the introduction of BBQ. Megan wrote earlier today about different names for the cooking tool: BBQ vs grill.

In North Carolina BBQ is the product (and it isn’t actually cooked on a grill). BBQ restaurants are a big deal around here. The regional differences are somewhat crazy (Eastern NC vs Western NC vs mustard-based Low Country SC vs Memphis vs GA BBQ) but I’m trying them all. BBQ restaurants, like all foodservice sites, can be hit with outbreaks.

Like here, and here

And this week’s food safety infosheet — A Salmonella outbreak at a BBQ restaurant in Memphis.

Click here to download the infosheet.

Food safety infosheets to be offered in Spanish

Every week or thereabouts, Ben Chapman and a few of us electronically chat and come up with a food safety infosheet, a graphical one-page food safety-related story directed at food handlers, and available at or

Thanks to Mayra Rivarola, food safety infosheets will now be translated into Spanish as they appear, and are available at

Here is the most recent food safety infosheet in Spanish.

Nueva Infosheet de Food Safety Network – Si estás enfermo, quedate en casa

El más reciente folleto sobre seguridad alimenticia, un relato gráfico de una página dirigido a productores de alimentos, está ahora disponible en

Puntos importantes:???Si estás enfermo con diarrea o vomito, habla con tu gerente. Es mejor que te quedes en casa para evitar la transmissión de enfermedades.
Una ley en Indiana requiere que los trabajadores se queden en casa si son diagnosticados con una de las siguientes 5 enfermedades: salmonella, shiga toxin-producing E. coli, shigella, hepatitis A o norovirus.

Un cocinero en Michigan se presentó enfermo al trabajo en el 2006 y fue asociado a un brote de norovirus que enfermó a 364 clientes después de vomitar en los basureros de la cocina.

Que puedes hacer: Llama al trabajo para avisar que estás enfermo. Siempre lávate las manos

Estos folletos son creados semanalmente y repartidos a restaurantes, supermercados, granjas, y son usados en entrenamientos alrededor del mundo. Si tienes alguna solicitud de otro tema, fotos que te gustaría compartir, contacta con Ben Chapman en