‘He lost the plot’ Food fight ends badly in NZ

A playful food fight over the family dinner table ended with a Horowhenua man throwing a dinner plate at his stepson’s head and smashing his partner’s phone.

belushi.zit.food.fightStephen John Montford pleaded guilty in the Levin District Court on Wednesday to male assaults female, behaving threateningly and intentional damage – all related to the June 12 incident.

He was intoxicated when he, his partner and her son sat down for dinner that evening, as he had been drinking since noon. 

Judge Lance Rowe said “what started out as a playful flicking of food at your stepson” turned into “something of a dispute”.

Montford threw an empty beer bottle at his partner, which hit its target, before throwing items around the room.

One of the items was a dinner plate, which he threw at his stepson’s head.

His partner started taking photos of the damage on her cellphone.

When he saw that, he smashed the phone on the ground.

Defence lawyer Sue Insley said  Montford had flicked butter at his stepson, and was then slapped by his partner.

“In Mr Montford’s words, he lost the plot.”

Cheese sandwiches for you, cafeteria food fighters

Students at Atlantic City High School were served plain cheese sandwiches for two days as punishment for a cellphone-coordinated food fight that broke out in April.

One parent likened the American cheese between two dry slices of plain white bread to "a prison meal."

That’s not true. My prison food was much better than that.

Senior James Blake, in a statement that could be used to leave him behind and repeat his senior year, said,

"I know it’s food they were throwing around, but some people are allergic to cheese. I can see if they served peanut butter and jelly. But just cheese? It’s ridiculous."

Many schools do not serve peanut-based products because of allergies.

The punishment affects students in the lunch period when the fight broke out, not all three lunch periods.