‘Dirty, long, filthy fingernail’ found in pancake came from another diner, says UK restaurant

A “dirty, long, filthy fingernail” was almost swallowed by a disgusted diner at Watford Jimmy’s World Grill in a mouthful of made-to-order Indian pancake.

white_fingernailsAntoinette Miller, 42, from Cassiobury, was eating a specially prepared dosa pancake when she felt something crunch in her mouth.

The church volunteer was “disgusted and appalled” and left retching into her food at the table when she pulled out the offending fingernail.

Managers at Jimmy’s, in High Street, apologised for Ms Miller’s experience but said the nail had come from another guest helping herself to the buffet.

Ansh, manager at the Watford Jimmy’s, said the incident had been investigated and none of his staff were responsible.

He said the most likely explanation is that the nail came from another customer.

He said: “The lady was very upset, we did not give her the bill and explained to her what might have happened – that the nail came off another guest helping herself to the food.

“I would be outraged if it happened to me. We apologised, paid for the meal and invited her back for another meal.” 

Human tooth found in Chinese takeaway in Ireland

A dirty fingernail in baby food and a human tooth in a Chinese takeaway are just some of the foreign objects found in food purchased by Irish consumers last year.

According to the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), the contamination of food with foreign objects was ‘frequently reported by consumers’. These objects included metal fragments, glass fragments and plastic.

However, some of the more unusual items, aside from the fingernail and human tooth, were meat inside a chocolate yoghurt, a chicken’s head inside a pack of frozen chicken’s 3dnailart03wings and live insects in a packet of dates.

The FSAI pointed out that the number of food-related complaints made to its food safety advice line jumped by more than 12% last year compared to the year before.

It noted that the line dealt with over 13,000 queries in 2013, but almost 3,000 of these were complaints by consumers about food or food premises – a 12.5% increase on the number of complaints handled in 2012.

Of these complaints, almost 1,200 related to unfit food, 566 related to suspect food poisoning and 587 related to hygiene standards.

All complaints received were investigated by environmental health officers.

Meanwhile other calls to the advice line included requests for information on food labeling, food legislation and training staff.

The FSAI also noted that just 33 calls in 2013 related to the horsemeat scandal, however an alert issued about a hepatitis A outbreak associated with imported frozen berries, received 267 queries.

“It is the responsibility of food businesses across the country to ensure that they provide food which does not compromise the health of anyone who eats it,” commented Edel Smyth of the FSAI.

‘I would rather eat my own diarrhea’ #McDStories McDonald’s Twitter campaign backfires

The social media thing sounds sorta cool until customers complain that your food makes people vomit, you serve pig meat from gestation crates and a burger containing a finger nail.

And it’s all on Twitter for anyone to see.

Jumping on the social media bandwagon, McDonald’s last week launched a campaign featuring paid-for tweets, which would appear at the top of search results and designed to get people to share touchy-feely nostalgic stories about the fast food chain.

The company only promoted the hashtag #McDStories for two hours, during which Twitter users told stories of finding gross things in their food, unclean restaurants, and bad experiences working for the chain.

McDonald’s social media director Rick Wion says of the incident, "We’re learning from our experiences." And they will. And become even more profitable.