I was so hammered, I could only think about Fillet-o-Fish; I woke up in jail

Sometimes you’re so drunk, the only thing that makes sense is a Fillet-o-Fish sandwich.

A 21-year-old woman was charged with drunk driving after cops found her passed out in her car at the McDonalds drive-thru in Chatham, Ontario (that’s in Canada), waiting for her fish relief.

Police said staff reported the woman at about 5:20 a.m. Saturday morning after she placed her order.

Police said the officer could strongly smell alcohol when he woke the woman up from her hungry slumber behind the wheel.

She was taken to the station for a breathalyzer test and charged with drunk driving.

McDonald’s fillet-o-fish is really fish

Putting aside years of conspiracy theories, the Miami Herald commissioned Nova Southeastern professor Mahmood Shivji’s to use DNA fingerprinting technology to confirm that the McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwich is actually made of fish.

Alaska pollock.

McDonald’s corporate website identifies pollock as one of two fish sources for its decades-old fish sandwich (the other being hoki, a fish found off the coasts of New Zealand and Australia).

Both fish species are recognized as sustainable, well-managed fisheries — meaning Filet-O-Fish lovers can feel good that their guilty pleasure won’t harm Mother Nature’s marine ecosytems.