Oldest food ever found on Vegas Dirty Dining

Amanecer Salvadoreno on Main Street and Wyoming in Las Vegas was recently closed after receiving 47 demerits from the Health District during its last inspection.

Darcy Spears of KTNV spoke to the owner by phone and noted, “There’s a whole bunch of expired food.  There was stuff that dated back to 2011 in your amanecer-salvadorenokitchen.  2011!  There was stuff from 2012.  There was bleu cheese dressing from January of this year.

And yes, bleu cheese is made from mold, but three-month-old dressing is pushing it.”

Inspectors found expired queso from Halloween of 2011.

Nestea and Minute-Maid from 2012.

Inspectors found improper hand-washing — one employee didn’t even bother to use soap.

There was built-up food debris on kitchenware.

And plastic, grocery-style t-shirt bags and trash bags were being re-used to hold things like raw meat and other potentially hazardous foods.

To their credit, Amanecer Salvadoreno cleaned up their act quickly.

They were reinspected two days after shut down, and re-opened with an A grade and zero demerits.

Sale of expired baby food investigated after Canadian infant falls ill

American retailer, Target, is moving into Canada, taking over a bunch of Zellers stores, which were bought by the original Hudson Bay Company in 1978 – Canada, beaver, pelts, etc.

Maybe Target can get the dates right on the babyfood it sells.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has investigated a reported case of food poisoning after an infant was fed baby food — sold by a retailer more than nine months after it had expired.

Kitchener, Ontario, mother Melodie White filed a complaint with the federal food watchdog and the local public health unit after her six-month-old son, Gabriel, became sick over the May long weekend.

She bought several cans of baby food at the Zellers store in the Laurentian Power Center a few weeks ago without realizing they had expired last summer. White became alarmed after she fed the food to her son and he developed a fever and diarrhea, she said.

Her son was sick for about four days, she said.

To back up her claims, White returned to the same store and bought another six cans, all expired. Then she called the store to complain.

The store removed the expired baby food after being made aware of the problem. Inspectors from both the Region of Waterloo Public Health and the inspection agency also visited the Zellers store to make sure the expired baby food was off the shelves.

Do you feel lucky? Some food good long past expiration date

A new survey sponsored by ShelfLifeAdvice.com, a food storage reference website that estimates U.S. consumers unnecessarily discard billions of dollars of food a year, found that three in four U.S. consumers believe certain foods are unsafe to eat after the date on the packaging has passed.

But, according to Andy Miller of msnbc.com, experts say that if most foods are stored properly, they can be safe for days after the ‘use by’ date.

Ira Allen, a Food and Drug Administration spokesman, said the food date does not equate to safety, adding,

“If something is past its date, and stored properly, often it’s OK."

Michael Doyle, director of the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety, said foods that can last far beyond an expiration date with proper storage include flour, sugar, rice and cake mixes, adding.

“There’s no reason that dry goods wouldn’t be safe except if it becomes wet.’’