Dr. Dr. Dodd speaks: safe food for the U.S. military or all the things they don’t teach in school

Dr. Dr. Chuck Dodd (DVM, PhD), program manager for veterinary services in the U.S. Army Public Health Command Region – Europe, shared his experiences from the midst of the E. coli O104 outbreak associated with raw sprouts centered in Germany earlier this year.

The video of Dr. Dr. Dodd, looking sharp in his military fatigues and fresh from another of his 100-mile ultra-marathons, is available at http://bites.ksu.edu/dodd-lecture as are the PowerPoint slides.

Multidisciplinary response to the E. coli O104 outbreak in Europe

Fresh from a months-long tour of Europe – or at least one part of Germany – Dr. Chuck Dodd returns to Kansas State to share his experiences from the E. coli O104 outbreak in raw sprouts centered in Germany earlier this year, which killed 53 people and sickened some 4,400.

Dr. Dr. Dodd (DVM, PhD, right, pretty much as shown) is the program manager for veterinary services in the U.S. Army Public Health Command Region – Europe. He will speak at 4 p.m. on Thurs. Oct. 13, 2011 in 407 Trotter Hall, in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University. My team will be on-hand to record the talk and, technology willing, throw it up on the web.