71 sick: Salmonella outbreak linked to Dim Sum chain in Shanghai

Results of test samples taken from a Hong Kong-style dim sum chain that was shut down last week over food safety concerns have found Salmonella to be present on some of the restaurant’s cakes.

Shanghai Daily reports that the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) ordered LIST to immediately shut down all nine of its chain restaurants, as well as its central kitchen.

This demand for hygiene testing came after customers who ate at the popular chain’s establishments complained of gastrointestinal discomfort after eating. 

At least 71 people suffered from food poisoning and received treatment at nearby hospitals. Most of the diners developed symptoms between July 16 and 18, though all are now said to have recovered. 

Further tests will be conducted on more food samples as the investigation continues, and SFDA has warned of “severe punishment” for the chain once the investigation is complete.



Dim sum buns that barf and poop on customers in Hong Kong

Dim sum has been given a new twist in one of China’s popular restaurants, as diners are encouraged to play with their food.

At Dim Sum Icon diners squeeze their food to poo or vomit on their plate. The restaurant encourages its diners to take photos and videos to post to their social media pages. Dim Sum Icon opened their first restaurant two years ago and their second at the end of December. They are already in negotiations to open stores in mainland China and Macau.