A grade laughs with Dane Cook

Rhys Darby, or Murray off of Flight of the Conchords is hilarious. Last night I watched one of his stand-up routines and nearly peed my pants I was laughing so hard. I then proceeded to watch Dane Cook – Isolated Incident. It was not as funny; however, the venue for the routine, the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, CA appeared to have received an A-grade during its inspection (see picture, right).

In L.A. food establishments are awarded an A, B, or C grade based on their most recent inspection score, and are required to display this grade in a visible location (like a window or door). The grades are also available online, here.

I wouldn’t award Dane an A for laughter, but my buddy Rhys on the other hand, he’s all A’s. I hope to get see him in November when he pops by Wellington.

Dane Cook and his pooping dog give up apartment

TMZ reports that Dane Cook has given up his fight to live in what he believes is an apartment that has a supernatural force.

“Cook was evicted from a West Hollywood apartment last August after a jury decided the "comedian" habitually violated the rules requiring him to pick up his dog’s crap.

“As reported yesterday, Cook threw a Hail Mary at the judge, arguing that hizzoner should block the eviction because the apartment building had almost paranormal qualities — John Belushi and Steve Martin both lived there, and Cook believed if he moved out his creative juices stop flowing and a bad case of writer’s block would ruin his career. Did anyone see "Employee of the Month?"

Cook has apparently abandoned the appeal.

Dog poop contains common pathogens such as tapeworms, roundworms, cryptosporidium, salmonella, E.coli, and many others.  Owners, clean up after your dogs and wash your damn hands.

It’s gotten so bad that the Israeli city of Petah Tikva, a suburb of Tel Aviv, has started a six-month trial program where it is matching the DNA of dog poop, either in special containers or found on the street, to a database of registered dogs and their owners.

“Owners who scoop up their dogs’ droppings and place them in specially marked bins on Petah Tikva’s streets will be eligible for rewards of pet food coupons and dog toys.

“But droppings found underfoot in the street and matched through the DNA database to a registered pet could earn its owner a municipal fine.”