Condom, razors top today’s yucky food list

A toddler ate a used condom left in the play area of a Chicago McDonald’s, and a couple in Utah decided to plant a bunch of razors in doughnuts to extort cash.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports mother Anishi Spencer’s claims that following a visit to the Gage Park neighborhood McDonald’s on February 4th 2012, her then two year old “coughed up a piece of the condom.” The lawsuit covers Ms. Spencer and her two sons, Jonathan and Jaquel, who Dumb and Dumber 2 Moviewere three and two at the time of the alleged incident respectively. The lawsuit blames McDonald’s for “failing to properly clean hazardous debris from an area used by children” and “for not using surveillance or inspections to uncover any ‘deviant activities’ at its eatery.” The liability suit seeks at least $50,000 in damages.

The Utah couple decided to frame a Smith’s Food and Drug store in Draper, Utah for carrying “tainted food.”

They then proceeded to plant a bunch of razor blades in a box of doughnuts they had purchased, take the box over to the Dollar Store where they worked, open the box and pass the doughnuts around, eating some themselves, and then after having swallowed a bunch of razor blades, complain about it. A co-worker they had offered a doughnut to also suffered injuries, unaware of the scam.

Unfortunately for these great criminal minds, it took all of a few minutes of questioning for police a confession from the couple. Smith’s pulled the doughnuts from store shelves to be safe, and the couple has been charged with filing a false police report and assault.

Brazilian woman finds condom in tomato can

A Brazilian woman who ate a dish of savory meatballs with tomato sauce only to discover a condom in the tomato can, will be awarded $US5000 ($A4552) in damages, the Globo news website reports.

The southern state of Rio Grande do Sul fined the tomato saucemaker the amount for "moral damages."

The woman was using tomato paste to season meatballs and it was only after finishing the meal that she noticed mold in the bottom of the can, with the condom wrapped around what remained of the paste.

Describing the "grotesque scene," Judge Joao Gilberto Marroni Vitola said in his ruling that the experience had "profoundly disgusted the family".

The tomato sauce company claimed that its entire production and packaging process was automated.

Woman finds condom and receipt in milk drink in Sweden

Tests were being carried out today on a container of a popular Swedish fermented milk drink after a woman claimed she found a condom and a receipt inside it.

The woman, known only as Bejta, made the discovery at her home near Gothenburg, western Sweden, after she drank two cups of Arla Food’s filmjolk, a sour-tasting fermented milk drink, and poured the remaining liquid into her dog’s bowl, Swedish newspaper Expressen reported yesterday.

To her surprise it was not only milk that appeared in the bowl – a pink-colored condom still in its packaging and a receipt also fell in.

When Milica called Arla’s customer services team she was told the discovery was "impossible".

They suggested someone in the home must have placed the condom and receipt inside the product as prank.

However, Milica told the newspaper that could not have happened.

Arla Sweden spokeswoman Katarina Malmstrom told Expressen the company was waiting for an analysis of the container in a bid to assess what had happened.

"I deeply regret that there was someone who fell victim to something like this, no matter what caused it," Ms Malmstrom said.

Swimmers barfing, condoms clogging toilets at Commonwealth Games

The British swim squad at the Commonwealth games has been decimated by Delhi belly since arriving in India.

Rob Mancini wrote a couple of days ago about two instances; the number of sick British swimmers has now risen to 40.

The Telegraph reported that it later emerged that the Australian swimming team are testing the water quality at the aquatics complex. The problem could even stem from pigeon droppings which can swell contagious diseases. Pigeons have been nesting in the rafters since competition began here.

Whatever is causing swimmers to barf, toilets in the athletes’ village are clogged with condoms.

Plumbers sent to unblock toilets said used condoms were the problem, with an un-named health official quoted as saying 2,000 of the 8,000 free contraceptives had been used so far.

Commonwealth Games Federation president Mike Fennell said the report was a positive, adding,

"I am not quite sure what the point is, if that is happening it shows that there is use of condoms and I think that is a very positive story, that athletes are being responsible."

Is that a condom in my soup or are you just happy to see me?

Associated Press reports a California man who says he ordered French onion soup and bit into a condom instead of melted cheese has settled his lawsuit against the Claim Jumper restaurant chain.

The terms of today’s settlement were not disclosed.

Both sides say in a statement the deal indicates no admission of liability by either party.

Condom found in meat in Florida

WCTC reports that Patricia Gibson says she bought a package of meat from an IGA food store in Quincy, Florida, on Wednesday, and on Saturday afternoon when she opened the package, she found a condom embedded in her container of packed pigs feet.

After family members agreed, Gibson called the manager of IGA, and told him what she’d found.

She says the manager asked her "what he was supposed to do about it?"

Angry, Gibson called the Havana Police Department.

"This, that’s a serious health issue. I mean, what if people are buying other packages of meat, and something like that’s ground up in it? That’s not right. That’s disgusting."

The manager of IGA says pigs feet are packaged in house, but he says there’s no way a condom could be in his meat, saying he is certain his employees are not engaging in any sexual activity in the meat department.

Havana police secured the evidence at Gibson’s home in Havana, and told her to contact the Health Department so the state may do a thorough investigation of IGA’s food preparation.

Man alleges he found condom in burger

The Rutland Herald is reporting that Van Miguel Hartless of Fair Haven, Vermont, said he was three bites into his Southwestern Whopper sandwich when he knew something was wrong.

"It had a sour taste and I felt something rubbery. I immediately spit it out and ran to the bathroom to vomit."

Hartless, 24, contends that what he bit into in his Burger King sandwich last summer was a condom — unwrapped and possibly used.

The incident last summer led him first to complain and then to file a lawsuit in Rutland Superior Court.

Hartless said his first inclination was to complain to the restaurant’s manager, who he said laughed off the incident.

"That’s the part that upsets me the most, is that he laughed about it."

About a week after he bought the hamburger, he said he received a letter of apology from Burger King he said was vague and ended with the optimistic phrase "Hope you come back and have a more pleasurable experience."