Yo Yelp, I doesn’t need you cause I got straight to the manager

An answer to the age-old Canadian problem of polite in public: you don’t have to tell that waiter to wash his hands after a number 2 in the next stall, just text it to his boss.

msnbc.com reports a new program, Talk to the Manager, lets you text gripes right to those in charge at a restaurant, with the philosophy behind the program being, "Help us before you Yelp us."

"Talk to the Manager" works like this: Say you find the restaurant’s bathrooms filthy. While you’re at the restaurant, you don’t even have to get up from your table to complain, or hope that your waiter or waitress will pass your concerns on. You text a message to the number on the card on your table. The message goes to the restaurant manager and to the owner. One of them responds, sending an apology and saying the restrooms will be cleaned up (and then, presumably, following through).

The result (in an ideal world): "The customer is impressed by your outstanding service and tells more people about you," says TalkToTheManager.com.

Hong Kong chef attacks complaining customer with meat cleaver

A chef in a Hong Kong noodle bar was facing a jail term Friday after admitting attacking a woman with a meat cleaver when she complained about his food.

A 47-year-old woman grumbled about the meal she was served, so Cheng Chi-wai, 50, ran into the kitchen and came back with two meat cleavers, leaving the woman with a fractured skull and a 6-centimetre long wound that needed 11 stitches. The chef was restrained by other customers.

At a hearing Thursday, Cheng — who has been fired — pleaded guilty to wounding with intent. He will be sentenced on February 18 after background and psychiatric reports are drawn up.