Is food service in sporting stadiums, or anywhere, really doing everything to reduce risk of foodborne illness?

In the aftermath of the ESPN reports on less-than-desirable conditions at stadium and arena eateries across North American, spokesthingy John Althardt of Lucas Oil Stadium – that’s where Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts play – told WIBC,

"Everything is being done to ensure that the events and the food service at Lucas Oil Stadium are all what we expect them to be, and we’ll continue to do so."

Are they really doing everything? Are they using new food messages and new media to really establish a culture of food safety amongst all employees? Are they posting food safety infosheets in common employee areas? Are they creating a system of rewards for good food safety behavior, telling sick employees to stay home from work, and that food accidentally mishandled is thrown out?

Walk the talk, Althardt.

Colts win in stunner; stadium food service company denies media access to witness food safety improvements

Maybe it was the stadium food that somehow lifted the Indianapolis Colts to a stunning come-from-behind 35-34 victory over the New England Patriots in another chapter of the U.S. football rivalry of the decade, Peyton Manning (right) versus Tom Brady (below, left).
After being hammered by local health types, the folks who run the food concessions at Lucas Oil Stadium swooped into town and promised to set things straight. WISH went out to ask some tailgaters to see how confident were about buying food inside the stadium.

Tailgater Glen Vigar reacted to the news,"(It’s) a little scary. I mean it’s a brand new building. I wouldn’t expect it."

Vigar said that he wouldn’t eat the food there anymore.

Centerplate said it planned to have 15 of its own food safety inspectors inside the stadium Sunday to make sure conditions are clean.

24-Hour News 8 had asked to be inside the stadium to see how that was going, but a Centerplate spokesperson denied that request.