Fair manager resigns; food, water and animal safety is like that; it requires attention

After 106 people were sickened and a toddler died at last year’s Cleveland County Fair, manager Calvin Hastings has resigned before the next fair.

Hastings, who has served as fair manager since August 2011, is also president of KTC Broadcasting Inc. The company owns and operates the amy_s_lamb_aug_121-300x225“What’s Up Shopper” publication and radio stations WOHS in Shelby, WCSL in Cherryville and WLON in Lincolnton.

“Honestly, I’ve got too much to do,” Hastings told The Star on Thursday night.

In a press release, Hastings said his responsibilities with KTC Broadcasting take much of his time and the fair needs someone who can give it their full attention.

The Star asked Hastings if his resignation was connected to the fair’s connection to the E. coli outbreak.

“I can’t answer any E. coli questions,” Hastings said.

A table of petting zoo outbreaks is available at http://bites.ksu.edu/petting-zoos-outbreaks.

Would you like lettuce on your Burger King? Employee likely to be fired

Paula Forbes of Eater reports a Burger King employee in Ohio posted a photo of him/herself standing in tubs of lettuce to anonymous internet playground 4chan with the caption "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King," and totally got busted for it.

4chan quickly got on the case, with anonymous users locating the specific Burger King (thanks to the photo’s EXIF GPS data), and alerting its manager as well as the local media. The escapade was posted to Reddit with the caption, "Don’t f–k with people’s food."

4chan posters who contacted the restaurant’s manager said he called the stunt "sick and pathetic" and said there’d be "hell to pay." Whether or not that’s an exact quote, the incident did get all the way up to corporate. A spokesperson for Burger King tells Cleveland’s Fox News 8 that, "We are investigating the matter and will take appropriate action as necessary."

According to Cleveland Scene, a shift manager said both the person in the photo and the manager on duty will likely be fired. Someday parents will tell stories like this to little kids to scare them from posting things they shouldn’t on the Internet.

Salmonella sickens 26 on boat docked in Cleveland

GoErie.com reports that salmonella has been confirmed as the cause of the gastrointestinal illness that sickened 26 of 42 crew members of the U.S. Flagship Niagara while in Cleveland (right, not exactly as shown).

Most of the crew members are feeling well enough for a Great Lakes tour to Duluth, Minn.; Green Bay, Wis.; and Chicago, said Bill Sutton, executive director of the Flagship Niagara League, the ship’s fundraising arm.