What would Keef think? Heavy metal singer slammed by Salmonella sushi

A music basic: to reach a broad audience, the rhythm section has to be tight and actually produce a rhythm.

Hard rockers AC/DC figured this out. So did punk rockers Nirvana. So did rappers Beastie Boys (below). The Stones did decades ago.

The new metal bands, while a welcome progression from the hair bands of the 1980s, have little rhythm. But many do feature a singer screaming in a satanic-Linda-Blair-in-the-Exorcist-my-head-is-turning-all-the-way-around voice.

Chris Fronzak, the 22-year-old frontman for the band Attila (right, exactly as shown), is part of the Salmonella-in-sushi outbreak and is suing.

JoNel Aleccia of msnbc reports that Fronzak is among at least 258 people sickened by an outbreak of two rare strains of salmonella linked to sushi and other foods made from contaminated tuna.

Seattle law firm Marler Clark filed a lawsuit on Fronzak’s behalf Thursday in U.S. district court in Portland, Ore., where the singer lives.

He’s among the first people to sue Moon Marine USA Corp. of Cupertino, Calif., the firm that last month recalled 58,828 pounds of frozen Nakaochi Scrape, tuna bits gleaned from the backbones of the fish.

“Before I knew I had salmonella, I honestly thought I had stomach ulcers or liver failure from alcohol,” he Tweeted from his account @Fronz1lla on April 29.

Fronzak said he decided to sue because he has a family — including a 7-month-old son, Blaise – and no health insurance. He doesn’t think he should be stuck with all the bills, like the $9,872 tab from the hospital in Missouri. He posted that on Twitter, too, with an unprintable hashtag.

“I’m not at fault for any of that,” Fronzak said. “I feel like I’ve been done wrong and I deserve compensation.”

RIP, Adam Yauch.