Not just from watching the show: Australian vet barfs on I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here

It’s usually the celebs that end up vomiting on I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here!

celebrity.barf.aust.mar.15But this time, it was Dr Chris Brown that couldn’t keep his food down.

Freddie Flintoff had the task of chowing down on critters during Tuesday night’s tucker trial.

He managed to down a giant snail, a cockroach and a rats tail but had to bow out when served a “critters jungle juice” — a smoothie of cockroaches, worms, fly pupae and crickets.

That’s when Dr Chris Brown decided to step in and see for himself how bad it was.

And it wasn’t good.

Dr Chris had to walk away to vomit into the bushes — leaving his co-host, Julia Morris, to manage the rest of the challenge.

That’s when Freddie stepped in to offer a rather robotic impression of the Bondi Vet.

Say Anything lead singer pukes on stage on unluckiest security guard ever

TMZ reports that the Lead singer of Say Anything hurled on stage Monday night … soaking a security guard in vomit.

say.anything.barfLead singer Max Bemis was towards the end of the set at the House of Blues in West Hollywood when he projectile vomited without warning. It’s unclear why … but there was alcohol on stage so it ain’t that hard to read between the lines.

Bemis didn’t miss a beat, and continued singing “I Want to Know Your Plans.” As for the security guard … well it definitely ruined his night.

Sometimes being close to the stage is overrated (There was this one time at a Who concert in Toronto in 1979, when me and my friend Dave decided we were too close to the stage by all the idiots around us, and the only way to get out was for me to roll my eyes into the back of my head, and Dave dragged me out, yelling, OD, OD. It worked.)