Who flings cat poop? Frozen chicken? A Seattle woman upset by the noise of a cancer walk

A Seattle woman apparently wasn’t in a charitable mood when participants at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure breast cancer walk passed by her apartment.

Police said the unidentified woman was so angry about the noise that she flung cat poop and frozen chicken parts.

cat.poopOfficers reported seeing a “hail of garbage” fall from a fifth story apartment in downtown Seattle Sunday morning.

A 60-something man using a walker was allegedly hit with green liquid, while a 13-year-old girl was hit with a frozen chicken breast so hard it left her with a welt, Q13Fox reports. Officers also say a trash bag filled with 5 to 10 pounds of cat litter and feces was tossed from the window.

A firefighter working the event helped police find the alleged cat crap tosser.

When officers knocked on the woman’s door, the suspect initially refused to answer. Eventually, she spoke with investigators and told them she was tired after working a long shift and was angry the Komen racers had woken her up.