Passengers ill with Norovirus when ship docked in Halifax: Carnival Cruises

The Nova Scotia restaurant now linked to 38 cases of norovirus was absolutely right to shut down at the first signs of illness – even if the blame may ultimately lie with a cruise ship.

Global News reports that on August 11, officials with the U.S. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) boarded the Carnival Glory cruise ship after it docked at the Port of New York.

The Carnival Cruise liner reportedly had 215 people on board who had fallen ill during its five-day voyage from the Big Apple to Halifax, with stops in Boston and Saint John along the way.

All told 4.5 per cent of the combined 4796 people aboard had reported being ill.

The Carnival Cruise Glory is being linked to 38 reported illnesses in Halifax, stemming from a popular waterfront restaurant.

The Bicycle Thief, just metres away from the Halifax Seaport, shut its doors Saturday after staff and customers fell ill with Norovirus-like symptoms.

Carnival Cruises states it took the correct measures to stop the spread of what it says was a Norovirus outbreak.

In a statement, the company says ill passengers were required to stay on board while berthed in Halifax Aug. 9 – nine days before The Bicycle Thief temporarily shut down. The restaurant reopened Wednesday morning.