Another reason to avoid private school: NY children ride bus filled with feces, urine and vomit

One group of schoolchildren were forced to endure a 90-minute ride to their private school in a bus that was defiled with every form of filth. And when the school and parents expressed outrage over the condition of the bus to the owner of the company all they got were denials, and a refusal to refund any of the transportation fees.

ac-dc-high-voltage-460-100-460-70Vincent Lopez and his wife chose the Lawrence Woodmere Academy on Long Island for their daughter Veronica hoping for a brighter future. They love the education she gets at her private, $32,000 a year school. But it’s getting to and from their Queens’ home that’s left them horrified.

Vincent describes the morning last month his 7th grader was picked up.

“Feces, vomit, urine, and on all the chairs,” Lopez recalled.

Eight children in all were picked up that day. School administrators confirmed teachers boarded the bus to document the filth, capturing photo after photo of vomit, feces, urine, discarded food, even surgical gloves.

Lopez was outraged at the hazards the children were exposed to.

“Feces on the ground. Vomit on the chair. Urine smelling. And the bus driver saying, ‘Get in!’ And eight children sitting on one chair because it’s filthy.”

Veronica still recoils remembering the day she endured the vile ride.

“There was a broom that had poop,” Veronica said. “I tried to go to sit in another seat, and it was sticky too. We all had to squish into the back!”

I’m on a bus; I got food poisoning on a bus: 39 people hospitalized in Le Mans

Ouest France reports that during the night between Friday and Saturday, the passengers on a school charter bus originating in Lot and traveling on the highway between Le Mans and Tours were stricken with malaise (they barfed a lot).

The bus stopped in Dissay-sous-Courcillon and several emergency vehicles were deployed around 2 a.m. Thirty-nine people, of which six were chaperons, were hospitalized in Le Mans. Twenty-two children were victims of food poisoning. At 10 a.m. Saturday, only one girl was still kept for observation.

You vomit on the bus, you pay; norovirus is the best excuse

The Associated Press is reporting that George Washington University students who get drunk and barf on the university’s shuttle bus could be charged hundreds of dollars to clean up the bus, plus the cost of cab vouchers for other students trying to get home.

The policy will be enforced by "mystery riders," who could be on board at any time.

The Vern Express runs round the clock between the university’s Foggy Bottom and Mount Vernon campuses.

University officials say when someone gets sick, the driver has to stop the bus, unload the passengers and arrange rides home.

The policy follows an increase in the number of incidents and complaints from students about delays. School officials say it applies only to students who are drunk — not those who are actually sick.

The were several of those in Manhattan last night, as a late game meant the "official" tailgating started at 3 pm, and didn’t wrap up until 12:30 a.m., with a 47-20 Kansas State victory over Colorado, and allowing K-State to sneak back into the college football rankings at #25 in the AP poll (shout-out to my Canadian Food Inspection Agency fans).

One of our golf friends tried the norovirus excuse on the first fairway after a night of excess several years ago in Newport News, Virginia.

It didn’t work.