64 sickened; UK water park set to re-open after norovirus outbreak

Sickness-stricken Bretton Water Park will reopen to the public on Saturday – subject to getting a clean bill of health in final tests.

The £300,000 water park was abruptly closed four weeks ago after parents began reporting their children had been ill after playing at the complex.

Peterborough City Council closed the park to carry out tests and cleaning and revealed an outbreak of norovirus had caused 64 children to fall sick with diarrhoea and vomiting.

New facilities have now been installed at the park in a bid to prevent another outbreak, including setting up a drinking fountain, which had not been a feature of the park, plus improved baby changing and toilet facilities.

Signs have been put up urging people not to drink water in which children play and to wash their hands after changing their babies’ nappies.