33 sick from Salmonella in Italian schools

Something may be lost in translation but thanks to our Italian food safety friend for sending this along:

salmonellosi-nelle-scuole-di-paderno-dugnano-33-i-contagiati_89d4de58-6cc2-11e4-b101-5ef8e16d9739_998_397_big_story_detailThe medical report on salmonellosis in the schools has been upgraded to a total of 33 people infected, 25 confirmed and 8 to verify. 

Food technologist Roberto Church reiterated that “90% of the problems do not stem from cooking center “which has been up and running even after the outbreak of the emergency. There is no guarantee one hundred percent, but the controls ASL have ruled that the strain may have originated from the place where 3 thousand daily meals are cooked.

“Besides – he explained to the parents gathered in the Church hall – even the staff of the center area has been subjected to medical examination,” and in this case there were no significant abnormalities. So, they ask their parents, where does the infection that has decimated the school population from one end of the town of Paderno, with strong implications in school buildings miles away from each other?

Blame consumers.