iFSN interviews anti-GMO types at the Biojustice 2002 rally in Toronto

I’d say anti-GE, as in genetic engineering, cause I’m always careful to use the correct terminology, but youtube culture would think I’m talking about appliances, not food.

Back in the day when genetic engineering of food was on the front lines in Canada, my lab shot a lot of video. We just didn’t know what to do with it.

Then youtube came along.

So I’ll be posting a bunch of our old videos, and you can all judge for yourselves how evil, boring or indifferent we all were.

And make fun of our hairstyles.

First up: iFSN students Ben and Christian go hang out at the 2002 Biojustice picnic, more formally known as, The 6th International Grassroots Gathering on Genetic Engineering June 7-9, 2002, Toronto, Canada, which was held at the same time as the annual meeting of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) annual meeting in Toronto, 2002.

The video editing was all Christian; he was good …