Stomp: Off-Broadway Saudi restaurant version

A subscriber sent this in from Saudi Arabia, (and I encourage anyone from our global network of over 75,000 to send in whatever).

bill-murray-lost-in-translationSomething may be lost in translation (that’s Bill Murray pre-dating my Japanese television experience, which was weirdly similar).

This video was taken in the municipality of Bisha, Saudi Arabia, showing a worker at a restaurant who stomps his feet on a bag of meat.

The worker tramples on the meat in this way “to soften a frozen joint of meat” as reported by Bisha Municipality on their Twitter account, and that is has closed the restaurant immediately.

Video below.

Dozens of Manhattan (the one in Kansas) high school students report nausea, vomiting

Last time I was at Manhattan High in beautiful downtown Manhattan, Kansas, I gave Bill Murray a don’t eat poop shirt.

bill.murray.dp_Before that, I was called in to help out with outbreaks that seemed to have more to do with lack of toilet paper and other hygienic basics, while school types told the kids it was their fault because they didn’t wash their hands. No tools, no job get done.

According to Samantha Foster of The Topeka Capital-Journal, state and Riley County health officials are investigating after dozens of Manhattan High School students were sent home from school this week with nausea and vomiting.

Jennifer Green, administrative director of the Riley County Health Department, said Friday that the high school informed the health department on Wednesday that more than a dozen students had been sent home with those symptoms since Monday.

At least 16 students were sent home between Monday and Thursday, and the school told the health department 19 students were either sent home Friday or had parents who reported to the school they were experiencing nausea and vomiting, Green said.

15 sick: Norovirus strikes in NZ play area affects 15

At least 15 people have become ill after contracting a virus from the children’s play area of a Tauranga ten pin bowling venue.

tumblr_inline_mk7cmgis031qz4rgpToi Te Ora – Public Health Service medical officer of health Dr Jim Miller said, in a written statement, the service had been notified of cases of norovirus gastroenteritis in at least nine preschool and primary aged children and six adults earlier this month.

He confirmed those affected had picked up the bug from the children’s play area of a Tauranga ten pin bowling venue.

Mr Miller said the virus would most likely have been spread through person-to-person contact after exposure to an ill person.

Toi Te Ora investigated the outbreak and had since given the bowling alley advice on dealing with diarrhoea and vomiting episodes on the premises and effective cleaning, he said.

A request for further information, including the name of the bowling alley, and if any victims had been hospitalised was not answered by the time the Bay of Plenty Times went to print.

Searching for a summer camp, add food safety questions to parental checklist

The 16-year-old daughter has been going to a summer camp in Muskoka (that’s in Ontario, Canada) for years and loves it.

This year she gets to be a councilor for the summer so I’ve been reviewing crucial scenes from Bill Murray’s 1979 cinematic debut, Meatballs.

Yesterday’s USA Today noted that camp fair season (January-March) is in full swing: information and marketing fests are setting up shop in schools, malls and libraries across the country.

Peg Smith, CEO of the American Camp Association, which represents 2,400 accredited camps, said about 10 million kids attend camp each year, the camp association says. Of 12,000 day and resident camps nationwide, 4,000 are privately owned for-profits and 8,000 are non-profit.

Among specialty camps and themed sessions, cooking instruction — inspired by such TV shows as Top Chef— is "hot, hot, hot," says Jill Tipograph, founder of, an independent camp consulting firm and author of Your Everything Summer Guide & Planner.

Wonder if they’ll learn any food safety.

To help families search, the camp association offers a database at, and there are a bunch of questions parents should ask. But few seem to ask about or promote microbiologically safe food. There are outbreaks of foodborne illness every year at camps across North America, including one at a hockey camp a couple of my daughters went to years ago; fortunately my kids weren’t there during the outbreak.

But parents shouldn’t have to rely on fortune or faith. Ask questions about a camp’s commitment to food that doesn’t make kids barf. For some areas, food service inspection results may be available on-line. Those responsible for our
 children for a week or month of parental relief should be promoting safe food along with camp virtues.

E. coli O26 outbreak at Idaho summer camp

My other youngest daughter is getting ready to go to camp for a month. I told her to watch the 1979 flick, Meatballs, again, for some tips as a councilor-in-training.

But not for food safety.

The Spokesman-Review reports that five kitchen workers at Camp Lutherhaven have been sickened by E. coli O26 Idaho Panhandle Health officials confirmed this morning.

Three more staffers are ill, but lab tests haven’t linked it to the bacterial infection.

No one has been hospitalized and the ill workers have been excluded from the kitchen. None of the 300-plus campers has reported getting sick during the first two weeks of summer camp along the shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene.

A review of the camp by health and safety investigators determined that the camp’s food handling procedures were more than adequate. They suspect that the employees may have contracted the infection in their living quarters.

Food handler strikes soldiers with virus at Fort Benning

Some 150 soldiers at Fort Benning in Georgia have come down with what they suspect is a foodborne virus.

Common areas likes dining halls, barracks and buses are being sterilized, down to chairs and banisters.

Officials suspect it was spread by a food handler who was sick and coughed on the food or had dirty hands.

New report: UK petting farm E. coli could have been avoided; health types too slow to do anything

It’s Groundhog Day again for the Brits who once again have a report that public health types were too clueless about their jobs so a whole bunch of people became unnecessarily sick with E. coli O157.

Scotland, 1996. Wales, 2005. Now this. At least Prof. Hugh Pennington didn’t have to do the same report again.

Don’t eat poop, and if you do, make sure it’s cooked.

Raw animal feces usually are not cooked when children go play with them at petting zoos.

A report into Britain’s largest outbreak of E. coli O157 at an open farm last year concluded it could have been avoided if visitors had been kept away from animal feces.


The outbreak, which affected 93 people mostly children, was made worse by the slow reaction of health authorities before the petting farm in Surrey was closed, the investigation found.

Only 33 people would have fallen victim to the infection had authorities acted sooner, it said.

Eight of the children infected required dialysis and some have been left with permanent kidney damage. At one point during the outbreak last August and September victims were occupying all the children’s acute renal support services in London.

A number of families of affected children are preparing to take legal action against the farm.

In a 250-page report, the investigation said an outbreak control team of officials from local councils, medical authorities and the Health Protection Agency (HPA) had convened "exceptionally late."

It made 43 recommendations but said it did not want to ban petting farms. It said there should be a code of practice to ensure farms kept visitors away from animal fecal matter.

In addition it said the public should be educated about the dangers of E.coli O157 and how its risks could be minimized by careful handwashing, particularly for young children.

No, no one wants to be educated, especially in British schools. But some of the government agencies and food providers could provide compelling and current, food safety information rather than the piping hot bullshit currently coming out of the U.K. Food Standards Agency and others who appear delusional about what can happen.


Eight of the children infected required dialysis and some have been left with permanent kidney damage. At one point during the outbreak last August and September victims were occupying all the children’s acute renal support services in London.

Professor George Griffin, who led the investigation, said,

"This outbreak could very likely have been avoided if more attention had been given to preventing visitors being exposed to animal fecal matter. Once it had started, there is no doubt that even with prompt action this would have been a big outbreak. Nevertheless there was a lack of public health leadership by the Health Protection Agency and a missed opportunity to exercise decisive public health action and thereby restrict the size of the outbreak."

Lost in translation; going public with food safety information – France edition

Albert Amgar, blogmaster of France’s coolest food safety blog, wrote me after I posted about the 88 people sick with Salmonella from dry sausage in France.

What I had missed was that although the outbreak had been on-going for at least 10 weeks, the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance did not publicly report the outbreak until May 28, 2010, and used a Salmonella naming system that would mean nothing to most people (Salmonella 4,12 :i :-).

No company was named, no statement was released by anybody telling consumers to beware certain foodstuffs.

It was the Belgians who did that, through a press release entitled, La société Salaisons du Lignon adopte le principe de precaution et lance un plan de rappel sur un produit: Saucisse sèche droite La Pause Auvergnate, that identified the Lou Mountagnard brand of dried sausages.

The pdf press release file is linkable through Albert’s blog at, where he asks, in my broken English summation, why do French citizens, 88 who are confirmed ill, have to learn details about contaminated product from a city in Belgium? (The image, below left,  is from Albert’s blog.