458 sick: Calls for sanitation after Australian crypto outbreak

Bendigo residents are being reminded about the importance of good personal hygiene after a state-wide spike in gastro cases.

The Department of Health has confirmed an increase in the number of cases of gastro caused by the cryptosporidium crypto.giardiaparasite which is found in the feces of humans, cattle and other animals.

There have now been 458 cases of cryptosporidiosis notified to the department this year, compared to 88 for the same period last year.

The Department of Health did not have a region by region breakdown of the figures but Bendigo Health confirmed a central Victorian was recently affected by a small gastro outbreak.

Bendigo Health’s infection control manager Jane Hellsten said the best way to prevent highly contagious gastro was through good personal hygiene.

“Hand hygiene, hand hygiene, hand hygiene – I can’t emphasize that enough,” she said.

But handwashing is never enough. Sick people should stay at home, isolating susceptible animals from public swimming areas as much as possible, and don’t eat poop.