Booger belches: 30 years of Revenge of the Nerds; it was a camel orgasm

My nickname growing up was boog, after a drunken 7 a.m. golf course pro gave me the name as he called me from the caddyshack (that movie was real for me working as a caddy at the fancy pants country club in 1974 but didn’t come out until 1980) and named after famed Baltimore Orioles and chipotle barbeque king, Boog Powell.

Only the privileged call me boog. The geek-classic Revenge of the Nerds turns 30 this year, featuring a re-release for the first time on Blu-Ray (out May 6). One of the infamous/classic scenes was Dudley “Booger” Dawson’s (Curtis Armstrong) belching contest against Fred “The Ogre” Palowakski (Donald Gibb). Booger carried the day. What was the secret to Booger’s tremendous belch? “Post-production,” Armstong admits. “I did not belch in the movie. Neither did Ogre. We both pretended. And it was dubbed in afterwards, mostly mine which was longer and fruitier.”

Armstrong says he found out years later that there was even more to the dubbed sound than he knew. The directors had to go to the animal kingdom for help to find the right tenor. “They wound up finding a recording of a camel having an orgasm,” Armstrong insists. “They took this sound and blended it in with a human belch. That’s what you are hearing, a mix of a human belch and a camel orgasming.” “I don’t care. I don’t have a choice,” says Armstrong. “I get called ‘Booger’ daily and it’s fine. I owe this movie and character more than I can possibly pay. I’m now working for people who grew up watching it and loving it. Sometimes the only reason I am in projects is because the director loved Booger.” “How can I complain?”