Poop cruise passengers get bathrobes

It’s the perfect re-gift, for someone you despise.

Carnival Triumph announced Friday the bathrobes used by the over 4,000 carnivale.cruise.robepassengers adrift in poop on a disabled ship in the Gulf of Mexico would be gratis.

“Of course the bathrobes for the Carnival Triumph are complimentary,” it said in a tweet on the official @carnivalcruise account.

Somehow, this didn’t go over well.

“Who wants a stinky robe?!” tweeted a reporter in North Carolina, Astrid Martinez, while another user of the social media site, Natalie Eshaya, enthused sarcastically, “Oh how generous.”

Another sceptic, Paul Nather, wondered “What do you think the going rate for a Carnival cruise bathrobe will be on eBay tomorrow?”

The white bathrobe has become an unlikely symbol of the nightmare of the cruise-goers, who donned them to attract attention as they stood on the drifting ship.

Others used the white terrycloth as a canvas to write messages, with one passenger proclaiming, “I survived Carnival’s triumph redbags” – a reference to the bags that substituted for toilets.
