Barfi seems appropriate; owner of UK ‘most famous Pakistani sweets’ fined £4k over filthy kitchen

The boss of a filthy sweet-shop which kitchen inspectors found engulfed with flies has been fined £4,000.

Mohammed Akram, 53, owner of Aysha Sweet Centre – which claims to supply ‘the North’s most famous Pakistani sweets’ – pleaded guilty to eight food safety offences.

Hygiene officials found food-pans caked in grease and dirty walls with peeling paint at the Spiced-Chocolate-Barfi-211-567x378shop, on Lees Road, Oldham during a routine visit last August, a court heard.

The half-built premises had a food preparation area full of flies – and there was no soap or hand-drying facilities at the kitchen sink.

Oldham magistrates were told how staff at the eatery had not put food safety procedures –  required by law – in place, and that no-one was checking food was being prepared safely.

According to Aysha’s website, the shop specialises in Asian sweets including barfi, made of condensed milk and sugar, jalebi, deep-fried sweet pretzel-style snacks and nougat-style halwa. The store also offers savoury snacks including samosas, chicken wings and savoury rice dishes.

Akram, who pleaded guilty to eight breaches of food hygiene regulations, was ordered to pay a £2,400 fine and £1,575 costs awarded to the council – a total of £3,975.