Compelling food safety messaging

I am always fascinated with the garbage hygiene/food safety messaging that I come across during my travels. The same boring food safety posters over and over again and yet there they are, plastered on the wall doing absolutely nothing. Have we lost complete creativity or are some organizations convinced these actually work?  They don’t, they are not compelling and people are not going to pay attention.  The intention is admirable but we need to do better.

Ben and Doug devised infosheets as a means to grasp people’s attention and these were tested for validity and work. We are striving to develop Barfblog TV using comedy and behavioral science to convey messaging which could also potentially be used for corrective action plans or monthly food safety messaging at the retail level. The possibilities are endless, let’s be creative.


Barfblog TV…Stay tuned

Doug, Ben and I have been discussing new and compelling ways to share food safety messaging a manner that is engaging. Barfblog TV may be one avenue to do this.
On one of the many flights from Canada to the US, I watched a Delta airlines safety video. It was fun, entertaining and kept me engaged….why not do the same with food safety.
I have been fortunate to have worked with some amazing comics and actors over the years and intend on pulling them in to explore fun ways to deliver food safety messaging. will provide the content and we will develop a fun, comical series on food safety; 2-3 minute skits.

Stay tuned…..