5 stricken with botulism in France

 French friend Albert Amgar passes along the unfortunate story of five people in Avignon who were hospitalized this weekend including two in serious condition after being stricken with botulism toxin during a family dinner.

"The evolution of clinical signs may suggest that this is a botulinum toxin infection," the prefecture said in a statement. Although several of the suspected foods were prepared at home, two products that were part of the meals of these people are the subject of analysis, including a green almond tapenade (180 g pot-lot No. 112005) and a sun-dried tomato spread (jar of 180g – Lot No. 112607) for optimal use by date 16/12/12. "Pending the results and as a precaution it is advisable to suspend use of the products from these two lots," according to the prefecture.

"In 2009 , 13 outbreaks of botulism totaling 29 patients were identified. All occurred in the home and the number of patients per household varies from one to six."