Australian family find mouse in rice paper roll, welcome police involvement

The family of a woman who says she bit into a dead mouse in a rice paper roll bought at a supermarket say they welcome police involvement because it will prove their innocence.

mouse.rice.paper.roll.dec.14Emilie Petrusic, daughter of Irena Petrusic who got the shock of her life when she found the rodent in the snack bought at Woolworths Broadbeach on Sunday, said the investigation should be treated as a police case because it was serious.

Woolworths and Gold Coast Health have been liaising with police on the matter, which came after Ms Petrusic and her daughter reported the incident to the store immediately.

Gold Coast Health still remain the chief investigators because nothing criminal has been found and no formal complaint made.

A statement by Woolworths on Monday said the mouse entered the product after it left the store, even though that is yet to be confirmed.

Health unit head Dr Paul Van Buynder said their investigation was now focused on how the rodent could have ended up in the roll, with tests taking place on the product in Brisbane.

“What we’re hoping to get from that is does it show signs of being cut up in preparation,” he said.

“This is fresh product so to add something in is really difficult.

“We’re still completing a review of the ingredients — could the mouse have come in with the sliced carrot. We’re making sure it’s not possible to crush a rodent and send it in with the lettuce leaves used.”

Dr Van Buynder said they did not believe there was a problem with the way the food was prepared in store and that was why it was still open.

The investigation was now focused on how the rodent could have ended up in the roll, with tests taking place on the product in Brisbane.

Emilie said they did not care if people did not believe them because those who knew them knew had what happened.

“I don’t know what sick person would do that,” she said.

“A police investigation needs to be done. It’s just like a murder case. If it was a murder case, police would take fingerprints and there’s so much evidence.

“It’s just sad what Woolworths have said, how they’ve gone about it. They’re trying to save themselves.”

A Woolworths spokesman said the company took food safety extremely seriously and the store had been given the all clear to continue making and selling sushi products.

Egg stamping introduced in Australia today

NSW Minister for Primary Industries, Katrina Hodgkinson, is reminding food retailers and consumers that from today, eggs produced in NSW must be stamped with a unique identifying mark to allow them to be traced back to the farm of origin.

ei_auMs Hodgkinson said this protection is part of a new national standard for eggs that will help reduce the impact of a food poisoning outbreak through improved traceability.

“I commend the egg industry, which has widely met this requirement and come on board well before today’s deadline,” Ms Hodgkinson said.

“Producers see the value in not only protecting their customers; they also recognise the benefit of improved traceability to the industry.

“Egg stamping will mean that the source of an outbreak will be more easily traced and contained.”

Ms Hodgkinson said while eggs are a healthy and nutritious food, like all food there is an element of risk.

“Eggs are a leading source of Salmonella – between 2010 and 2014 in NSW there were 40 food poisoning outbreaks associated with eggs, affected more than 700 people, with many requiring hospitalisation,” Ms Hodgkinson said.

“This is part of the role the NSW Food Authority plays to ensure food safety along each step of the food chain, from paddock to plate.”

Ms Hodgkinson said in order to reduce the impact upon smaller operators, the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government has provided free stamps to small businesses producing less than 1000 eggs a day.

Australian Bonsoy toxic soy milk victims on track for share of $25m payout; thought to be record-setting settlement

Hundreds of Australians allegedly poisoned by toxic soy milk are set to share in a $25 million settlement, in what is believed to be the country’s biggest ever payout concerning food safety.

Bonsoy toxic soy milkAbout 500 people alleged they suffered health problems caused by dangerously high iodine levels contained in Bonsoy between 2004 and 2009.

It was alleged Bonsoy was reformulated in August 2003 and pure kombu (seaweed) was replaced with kombu powder, which had the effect of increasing the level of iodine.

It was alleged one glass of milk contained 50 times the recommended daily intake of iodine.

Maurice Blackburn principal Jacob Varghese said it caused problems with the thyroid gland which regulates hormones that control metabolism.

“Ranging from lethargy and anxiety from one end of the scale, to very severe episodes that would involve hospitalisation,” he said.

“In some cases people had to have their thyroids removed.

“In a couple of cases women say that they had miscarriages as a result of the excessive iodine.”

The Australian distributor and brand owner, Spiral Foods, and Japanese companies Muso and Marusan Ai-Co agreed to the settlement without admitting liability.

It was lodged in the Supreme Court today for approval, with victims expected to begin receiving payouts within six months.

Mr Varghese said it was a warning to all food producers.

“We understand it’ll be the biggest settlement of any food safety class action in Australia,” he said.

“That’s quite important I think, in sending a message to food producers that the class action system is available to consumers to assert their rights if something does go wrong in the production process.”

Australian veterinarians cracking under pressure of overwork, poor pay and reduced numbers

Damien Solley knows first hand that mental health problems are intertwined with working in the veterinarian industry.

cattle_vetDr Solley has revealed two colleagues in the ACT and several veterinarians interstate, have attempted to take their own lives in recent years. 

He believes a chronic shortage of veterinarians in Canberra is a contributing factor, coupled with compassion fatigue, long hours and stress.

After months of being unable to employ sufficient veterinarians to cope with the workload at the Animal Emergency Centre Canberra, Dr Solley had little choice but to join forces with the Animal Referral Hospital brand to help alleviate the pressure on himself and his colleagues.

“Suicide rates in our industry are pretty high,” he said.

“They’re overworked, do long hours and standardized vet wages against inflation haven’t changed in 25 years.

“The average wage is dropping through the floor.”

Dr Solley said veterinarians were often picked up by the public service, due to better wages and conditions, and he feels it might be nearly time to move on to another profession after 15 years.

He said his wife, Amanda, also a vet, has asked him to leave the industry multiple times.

Raw eggs part of Australian food snobbery, not safety

Better Homes and Gardens on Australian TV Channel 7, is typical food porn laced with bad food safety advice.

During an episode on Oct. 24, 2014, Melbourne chef, restaurateur and food writer Karen Martini, someone who has been cooking professionally for more than 20 years, pushed the raw egg dressing agenda.

Sorry Australia – you still have an egg problem.

The New South Wales Food Authority has its own advice on raw eggs (see below and judge for yourself).

A table of raw egg related outbreaks in Australia is available at


Australian importer fined $25K for not testing imported ham

An importer has been fined $25,000 for failing to test 2241 kg Parma ham imported from Italy in 2011.

parma.hamPaqualino Licastro, owner of Perth import company Topas Pty Ltd, was fined $3000 while the company was fined $22,000.

After breaching its import permit, the company then failed to act on a directive from the Department of Agriculture to move the ham to a cold-store facility. The department ordered that the ham be held pending sampling and testing for Staphylococcus, Listeria, E. coli and Salmonella before it could be sold or distributed.

Had the imported ham introduced foot-and-mouth disease into Australia, it could potentially cost more than $50 billion over 10 years, the department estimates.

Food safety loses; Australian sausage sizzle laws wound back for community and non-profit groups raising funds

A sausage sizzle is a sausage with all the crap cooked out of it, served on a piece of white bread, sometimes with onions.

sausageNo idea why they can’t use a tip-sensitive digital thermometer, or whole grain rolls, but it’s a different country.

Changes to ACT law will see fund-raising activities by community and non-profit groups exempted from onerous food safety regulations and a new category created for large events with a higher health risks for consumers.

Laws introduced in September 2013 sparked a community backlash, including over requirements that organisations holding more than five food sales each year appoint a trained food safety officer to prevent hygiene problems and food poisoning.

Organisers of sausage sizzles and other food sales in Canberra said expensive training and compliance threatened their viability.

Microorganisms don’t care a lot about politics.

Parents should care a lot about microorganisms.

Who doesn’t buy canned beets from a gas station?

It was somewhere around 2000 when Chapman accompanied me on a two-week whirlwind tour of Australia and New Zealand, speaking on a variety of topics, sampling kangaroo, and initially staying at a bed and breakfast in East Gippsland on a large winery that the owner, Owen, and his wife, moved to after the heart attack in the city.

beetroot.slices.recall.oct.14We thought Owen might have another at the dinner table.

I’d been invited by an ex-pat Canadian and had a chat with about 50 local farmers in the town pub.

But this is about beetroot.

There are some universal truths of travel, and one is that nothing beats an Egg McMuffin at 5 a.m. upon arrival in Melbourne after 30 hours on the move.

We probably had three each.

But I noticed the lunch menu and the inclusion of beetroot on the Big Macs.

What was a beetroot? The part of the beet that grows in the ground that North American’s call beets.

HJ Heinz Company Australia Limited has recalled Golden Circle Beetroot Slices from Coles, Woolworths, IGA, convenience stores and some petrol stations nationally due to the potential for microbial growth. Food products with microbial growth may cause illness if consumed. Any consumers concerned about their health should seek medical advice. The product can be returned to the place of purchase for a full refund.

That’s the only info available, but I’ve wanted to write for so long about beetroot.

Italian restaurant in Australia fined almost 12K

La Casa Italian Restaurant in Goulburn, NSW, was fined $11,780 for a series of infractions in 2013, including,

La_Casa_Restaurant 19(1) – fail to maintain the subject food premises to a standard of cleanliness – unclean floors in food preparation, storeroom and cool room – accumulation of grease, oil and food matter on 20 June 2013.

  1. Clause 19(2) – fail to maintain all fixtures, fittings and equipment to a standard of cleanliness – unclean cooking equipment, accumulation of grease and food matter on 20 June 2013.
  2. Section 106C(1) of the Food Act 2003 – the defendant failed to appoint a Food Safety Supervisor for the premises on 20 June 2013.
  3. Section 64 of the Food Act 2013 – the defendant contravened or failed to comply with a prohibition order on 20 June 2013.
  4. Section 64 of the Food Act 2013 – the defendant contravened or failed to comply with a prohibition order on 21 June 2013.
  5. Section 64 of the Food Act 2013 –the defendant contravened or failed to comply with a prohibition order on 22 June 2013.
  6. Section 64 of the Food Act 2013 – the defendant contravened or failed to comply with a prohibition order on 23 June 2013.

‘Cruise from hell’ Noro hits Australian cruise ship passengers

Passengers aboard a cruise ship bound for Fremantle say more than 100 people were struck down by a particularly violent bout of gastroenteritis.

The Sea Princess, a 15-deck ship operated by Princess Cruises, left Fremantle for Singapore on August 18 and is due back on Saturday.

vomit cruiseIt missed several stops because of a mechanical issue but passengers have been compensated for the changes.

But the norovirus outbreak on the ship led one passenger to call it “the cruise from hell”.

Another passenger, Burswood real estate agent Jim Edwards, 56, became ill about a week into the cruise and said it was the worst bout of gastroenteritis he had ever had.

He said at least 200 of the ship’s 2000 passengers had contracted the bug – double Princess Cruises’ estimate of 100.

“I couldn’t believe how strong it was,” he said.

“I’m only in my 50s but it took everything out of me and that’s why I was worried about the older people. It was knocking them down like flies.”

A Princess Cruises spokesman said more stringent sanitation procedures were implemented after the first few complaints.