Pigeon, parakeet and pony: Amsterdam food truck serves maligned meat

I don’t care what various cultures use as their source of protein: I care that it is microbiologically safe.

cackling-geese1According to NPR, in Amsterdam, two artists are trying to widen their city’s list of local tasty creatures — and expand minds, too — with dishes like the My Little Pony Burger, Peace Pigeon and Bambi Ball.

Their project, The Kitchen Of The Unwanted Animal is a food truck and specialty food provider featuring animals that are, generally, considered pests and almost always considered inedible.

“I think there is a kind of block in your head because it’s a pet or [an animal that’s not typically eaten],” says Rob Hagenouw, 55, one of the founders of the Kitchen. “Here we have pet, pest and eating animals — and we don’t mix them.” But he and his partner, Nicolle Schatborn, 51, are trying to show their neighbors that these animals can be delicious, and shouldn’t be wasted.

wholetruck-3aaab70a52e0d7f294c62882b25772c5fd90da71-s1600-c85It all started five years ago with a wild goose stew Schatborn and Hagenouw made for an art fair as part of a larger installation. The stew got them wondering about what happened to geese and other animals that were considered “unwanted” in Holland.

I know a lot of North Americans, especially on golf courses, that would want to get rid of the geese.