An inspectors’ dream…..

I love food safety and hate pathogens, so sometimes I can get a little too excited when restaurant operators’ are engaged in food safety and really care about what they are doing. Just the other day on a routine restaurant inspection, the manager pulled me aside and asked me if I want to hear everything they are currently doing to ensure food safety. I responded, just as Alec Baldwin did on 30 Rock when asked if he liked Phil Collins, “I have two ears and a heart, don’t I?” And so he began showing me temperature log books, digital tip sensitive thermometers to ensure proper internal cooking temperatures with log books for quality assurance purposes, food from safe sources, proper handwashing, and sanitizer solutions equipped with test strips to ensure proper chemical concentrations. The manager would encourage staff to get involved in food safety, have regular meetings discussing the importance of food safety with demonstrations, essentially on-site food safety training. Wow, doesn’t really get better than this.