AFSCA Inspected Mobile Vendors at EUROFERIA

French correspondent Albert Amgar sends along this bit that Amy translated about  EUROFERIA, which was set up for the third time at the foot of the Atomium.

Amy says the Atomium was built for the 1958 Brussels World Fair. 

AFSCA has once again this year inspected mobile vendors.

This inspection was preceded by an informational meeting with the organizers one month prior. During this meeting appropriate recommendations were given regarding administrative requirements as well as about respecting the health code. Folders containing the guidelines destined for the mobile vendors were distributed beforehand. Moreover, the instructions were included on the Feria website and the organizers very judiciously relayed information to the participants.

The inspection by AFSCA agents took place on the first day (Thursday, June 4, 2009). 45 vendors were inspected and the results were as follows: 17 warnings and 5 reported violations; there were also 2 cases of seized goods for a total of 78.5 kg (meat and fish). 50% of the vendors were not in line with legislation and several serious offenses were repeatedly noted such as: unprotected food goods exposed, the impossibility of washing hands, absence of medical certificates, absence of thermometers, disrespecting temperatures and thawing procedures …