Risk-based: Foodborne illness strategy in Australia

Foodborne illness is a global public health burden. Over the past decade in Australia, despite advances in microbiological detection and control methods, there has been an increase in the incidence of foodborne illness. Therefore improvements in the regulation and implementation of food safety policy are crucial for protecting public health.

aust-food-safetyIn 2000, Australia established a national food safety regulatory system, which included the adoption of a mandatory set of food safety standards. These were in line with international standards and moved away from a “command and control” regulatory approach to an “outcomes-based” approach using risk assessment. The aim was to achieve national consistency and reduce foodborne illness without unnecessarily burdening businesses.

Evidence demonstrates that a risk based approach provides better protection for consumers; however, sixteen years after the adoption of the new approach, the rates of food borne illness are still increasing. Currently, food businesses are responsible for producing safe food and regulatory bodies are responsible for ensuring legislative controls are met. Therefore there is co-regulatory responsibility and liability and implementation strategies need to reflect this. This analysis explores the challenges facing food regulation in Australia and explores the rationale and evidence in support of this new regulatory approach.

Australian food safety policy changes from a “command and control” to an “outcomes-based” approach: Reflection on the effectiveness of its implementation

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13(12), 1218; doi:10.3390/ijerph13121218

James Smith, Kirstin Ross and Harriet Whiley


Use a f**king thermometer: Campy risk in Swiss Christmas meal

Celebrating Christmas in Switzerland can be a risky business.

Not only does the use of real candles on Christmas trees lead to a rise in call-outs for the fire brigade, but apparently eating a traditional Swiss Christmas dish can be dangerous too.

chinese-fondueChinese fondue – a fondue of raw meat cooked in a pot of hot broth, instead of bread dipped in cheese – is often chosen as the main meal by many Swiss at Christmas.

But according to the Swiss food hygiene office (BLV) this leads to a rise in the number of cases of diarrhea each festive season, caused by the presence of the bacteria Campylobacter in the meat.

Up to 8,000 people are affected by Campylobacter infections every year in Switzerland, costing the country around 10 million francs, the BLV said in a statement.

And each festive season the number of cases is considerably higher than average, mainly because Chinese fondue is traditionally eaten around this time of year, it said.

Now it has issued guidelines, including a handy video, on how to prepare the meat hygienically in order to cut down the risk of Campylobacter and thus avoid spending the rest of Christmas on the toilet.

Different plates and utensils should be used for raw meat, cooked meat and other raw accompaniments such as sauces and salads, it says.

Hands should be washed thoroughly before and after handling raw meat.

Meat should be well cooked, particularly poultry, which should be completely cooked through.

Take this course and you may not end up in barfblog.com

We don’t normally do course announcements, but I’ve got a soft spot for the Dutch and this colleague was persistent.

dutch-waynes-worldCourse: Management of Microbiological Hazards in Foods

Advanced course, Management of Microbiological Hazards in Foods

Organised by: The Graduate School VLAG, in co-operation with The European Chair in Food Safety Microbiology

Date: Mon 6 March 2017 until Fri 10 March 2017

Venue: Wageningen, The Netherlands
The seventeenth edition of the international advanced course on Management of Microbiological Hazards in Foods addresses both success stories in food safety and problems remaining to be dealt with as, indeed, foodborne illnesses are a continuing problem worldwide food industry, including primary production, manufacturers, retailers and food service. The roles of different stakeholders, how food safety assurance can be achieved, which problems are to be prevented and in particular what knowledge is essential in managing the production of safe foods will be prominent topics in this course.

Anyone working or studying in/for a role in academia, industry or government associated to food safety management who wishes to update their knowledge and interact with key experts willing to share their experience. Participants may be graduates in (Food) Microbiology, Food Technology, Food Science, Food Chemistry, Veterinary Sciences or Medicine, as well as in related areas of science or with equivalent expertise.

Netherlands: Course: Management of microbiological hazards in foods

VLAG Graduate School


Foodborne pathogen typing: Getting it right, it’s sorta important

In 2012, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) initiated external quality assessment (EQA) schemes for molecular typing including the National Public Health Reference Laboratories in Europe.

get-it-rightThe overall aim for these EQA schemes was to enhance the European surveillance of food-borne pathogens by evaluating and improving the quality and comparability of molecular typing. The EQAs were organised by Statens Serum Institut (SSI) and included Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) and Listeria monocytogenes. Inter-laboratory comparable pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) images were obtained from 10 of 17 of the participating laboratories for Listeria, 15 of 25 for Salmonella, but only nine of 20 for VTEC. Most problems were related to PFGE running conditions and/or incorrect use of image acquisition. Analysis of the gels was done in good accordance with the provided guidelines. Furthermore, we assessed the multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) scheme for S. Typhimurium. Of 15 laboratories, nine submitted correct results for all analysed strains, and four had difficulties with one strain only. In conclusion, both PFGE and MLVA are prone to variation in quality, and there is therefore a continuous need for standardisation and validation of laboratory performance for molecular typing methods of food-borne pathogens in the human public health sector.

Evaluation of molecular typing of foodborne pathogens in European reference laboratories from 2012 To 2013

Eurosurveillance, Volume 21, Issue 50, 15 December 2016

S Schjørring, T Niskanen, M Torpdahl, JT Björkman, EM Nielsen


250 sick in Sweden: Global College evacuated after gastroenteritis

At least 250 of 680 students at Global College in Sweden were sick when it was decided to close the school Wednesday.

globala-gymnasiet“We think it’s about common stomach bug. There is no connection to the school food,” said Acting Vice Chancellor Emma Frankl.

It is unclear how long it will keep the school closed. A crisis team has been set up.

“We obviously need advice from those who can assess the situation. The only thing we are certain at present is that it does not have with school meals to make, which would surely just all have suffered, says Emma Frankl.

Not quite.

But I look forward to the investigators’ response.

Just in time for the holidays: H-E-B recalls raw shelled pistachios for Salmonella

San Antonio, TX – H-E-B announced today that it has issued a recall for both bulk and packaged raw shelled pistachios. The product is being removed because there is potential it could be contaminated with Salmonella.

pistachiosThe issue was discovered through FDA routine sampling.

There have been no reports of illness to date and all product has been removed from stores.

Microbiologically safe isn’t on the list: Whole Foods predicts food trends for 2017

On Tuesday, Whole Foods released its predictions for 2017’s hottest food trends—a list that’s compiled by experts who track consumer behavior at more than 400 of the chain’s stores.

poop-cakeHere’s the list of the top eight potential food trends of 2017:

– Wellness tonics: Ingredients include kava, Tulsi/holy basil, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar.

– Byproducts: Whole Foods says brands like Atlanta Fresh and White Moustache are using leftover whey from yogurt production to create probiotic drinks.

– Coconut everything: Think: Chips, ice cream, butters, etc.

– Japanese food beyond sushi: Like dried kelp, wakame, and Japanese-style pickles.

– Creative Condiments: Such as black sesame tahini, habanero jam, ghee, and black garlic purée.

– Alternative pasta: Alternative grain noodles made from quinoa, lentils, and chickpeas will be on the rise.

– Purple foods: Also will include black rice, elderberries, acai, and purple corn and cereal.

– Oven-ready meal kits: Fresh oven-ready meal kits and vegetable medleys will be on the upswing.

260 sick after Thanksgiving meal in New York

The health department says it has now received 260 reports of illness related to Golden Ponds restaurant.

golden-pondsThe Monroe County Health Department says the updated number comes after speaking with 80 people who made reports. Spokesman John Ricci says those people mentioned family members and friends who also got sick after eating at the restaurant.

The restaurant was closed down last month after people started reporting getting sick after eating there on Thanksgiving. News10NBC found Golden Ponds had 106 violations since 2009.


Idiot: NZ university chancellor don’t know shit about vets

I’m so close with my new best friend, Ted the Cavalier King Charles, that I’ll share my vasectomy story, which many of you have heard (Ted is getting clipped today – not the hair, the other part).

sorenne-tedBeginning in 1987, the veterinary first wife and I had four daughters, all born at home with midwives in Ontario (that’s in Canada).

When the fourth daughter was born, I was a poor PhD student and had arranged to give a talk about 40 minutes away for some cash.

So about 12 hours after daughter 4 was born, I arranged for a babysitter, and went away for a few hours.

Bad mistake.

A couple of weeks later, I said, four kids is enough for anybody, I’m getting clipped.

Made the appointment, had it done, and when I came home, the ex said, you left me after birth, so I’m leaving now.

She took the newborn and went to visit her sister for a couple of days.

The other three girls were left with me.

I gave them some money and sent them to the corner store to buy freezie pops.

Ted will hopefully fare better.

Being married to a veterinarian for 16 years had its ups and downs.

And then there was Sorenne.

But nothing compared to the idiotic statements by Massey University’s chancellor (that’s in New Zealand).

Wellington businessman Chris Kelly, who became Massey chancellor in 2013 has come under fire for making comments about female vet graduates being worth just “two-fifths” of a fulltime equivalent vet.

He has since apologised.

Kelly told Rural News that 75 to 85 per cent of vet students were women and in the first year when there was a high ‘cull’, it was the female students who continued because the work was largely academic.

“That’s because women mature earlier than men, work hard and pass,” he told Rural News. “Whereas men find out about booze and all sorts of crazy things during their first year.”

Kelly then went on to imply that a high fallout rate in the vet profession was the result of the life choices made by female graduates.

“When I went through vet school, many years ago, it was dominated by men; today it’s dominated by women. That’s fine, but the problem is one woman graduate is equivalent to two-fifths of a fulltime equivalent vet throughout her life because she gets married and has a family, which is normal. So, though we’re graduating a lot of vets, we’re getting a high fallout rate later on.”

Hockey and Justin Bieber

I get it, Justin.

fag-stratfordYou’re from Stratford, Ontario (that’s in Canada) and I’m from Brantford.

We used to drive for an hour and play the raggedy Stratford team, and about the only thing I can remember was there was a manufacturing facility called Fag Bearings (now it’s Fag Aerospace).

As12-year-olds in the 1970s, this was hilarious.

But not as hilarious as your attempt to fight in a pick-up hockey game (that’s ice hockey for the Aussies)

According to TMZ, the Biebs got in on a beer league pickup game at the Toyota Sports Center — where the L.A. Kings practice — and damn near came to blows after a dirty play.

Watch — as #23 (Biebs) comes in for a shot, a defender comes down hard with his own stick and snaps Justin’s in 2. Safe to say Justin didn’t take kindly to that.