Don’t make others barf, vomit into your elbow; norovirus control strategies

“Norovirus is much more contagious than people think,” said Doug Powell, professor of food safety at Kansas State University. “In the past, we’ve seen multiple outbreaks in group settings like cruise ships, care facilities, university residences, schools, sporting teams and … Continue reading

Raw is risky: Noro sickens 180 at UK hospital because someone thought bringing raw mussels in was a good idea

This story is from Dec. 2017, but instructive. Do not bring raw anything into a hospital full of immunocompromised people (those NZ mussels are cooked). And I’m still looking at you, Brisbane Private Hospital, for continuing to serve raw sprouts … Continue reading

Cilantro has a history of shits: Produce risk modelling in India

This study estimates illness (diarrhea) risks from fecal pathogens that can be transmitted via fecal-contaminated fresh produce. To do this, a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) framework was developed in National Capital Region, India based on bacterial indicator and pathogen … Continue reading