Kate Beckinsale travels with butter in her suitcase… is that safe?

From the weird world of celebrities comes word that actress Kate Beckinsale travels with Kerrygold grass-fed butter.

“I find it quite hard to get ahold of,” Beckinsale says. “If I’m going from one city to another, I’ll put some in my suitcase to make sure I have it. I’m the crazy person traveling with butter.”

This raises a major question: Is that safe?

It’s a little tricky, Darin Detwiler, PhD, director of the Regulatory Affairs of Food and Food Industries program at Northeastern University, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Butter is interesting because there is dairy in it, but it’s mostly fat,” he says. “And fat doesn’t exactly help bacterial growth.”

But there are a few things that can happen if you don’t refrigerate your butter, especially if you keep it out for a long period of time or don’t refrigerate it at all, Detwiler says. One is that it can go rancid. “You’ll know right away,” he says. Another is that you can get foodborne bacteria like E. coli or salmonella, which can grow on the butter and infect you. Finally, if you leave your butter out, there’s more of a chance for cross contamination with other foods and bacteria that may be in your kitchen. “The more you leave it out, the more you’re leaving it open to cross-contamination or the bacterial growth,” Detwiler says. “You really have to take that into consideration.”

The Bachelor’s Tim Robards suffers a bad case of food poisoning in Italy ahead of wedding to Anna Heinrich

This may make sense to people who watch The Bachelor.

Tim Robards has suffered a bad case of food poisoning ahead of his wedding to Anna Heinrich.

The Bachelor star fell ill while the couple were travelling up and down the coast of Italy this week.

In an Instagram video posted on Wednesday, the 35-year-old revealed he had been sick for ’24 hours’.

A little flat today. Food poisoning knocked me out for 24 hours,’ he informed his fans.

But the buff reality star ensured he was on the mend, feeling better after a dip in the healing ocean with his bride-to-be Anna. 

He took a selfie of the couple soaking up the sun at popular tourist spot Grotta Della Poesia in Roca, writing in the caption ‘slowly coming alive again’.  

My super-smart partner and I meet: Prion disease in Algerian camels

Amy says I shouldn’t cut-and-paste so much and that I’m better when I just write my own stuff.

Howard Stern’s wife said that to him, at least according to the movie version in Private Parts, 1997, but I counter with I only cut-and-paste the really interesting stuff.

Algeria, French and prions, we’re in a zone.

Everyone else is recall.net, where the copy is provided by 100K-a-year hacks who write and vomit press releases.

Journalism used to be a viable activity.

No worries, story-telling about the Tom-Wolfe-styled-vanities of the food safety privileged retain currency. And those stories are what I have been working on,

I’ll go with a Paul Giamatti,-style, who I am enjoying in Billions and was great in John Adams, Cinderella Man, American Splendor, and so on.

Everyone needs a Paul.

Or an Amy.

Her accomplishments over the seven years since we moved to Australia, including caretaking me and Sorenne, have been extraordinary.

Much love.

Prion disease in Dromedary camels, Algeria

6 June 2018

Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol 24, no 6

Baaissa Babelhadj, Michele Angelo Di Bari, Laura Pirisinu, Barbara Chiappini, Semir Bechir Suheil Gaouar, Geraldina Riccardi, Stefano Marcon, Umberto Agrimi, Romolo Nonno, and Gabriele Vaccari


Prions cause fatal and transmissible neurodegenerative diseases, including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, scrapie in small ruminants, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

After the BSE epidemic, and the associated human infections, began in 1996 in the United Kingdom, general concerns have been raised about animal prions.

We detected a prion disease in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Algeria. Symptoms suggesting prion disease occurred in 3.1% of dromedaries brought for slaughter to Ouargla abattoir in 2015–2016. We confirmed diagnosis by detecting pathognomonic neurodegeneration and disease-specific prion protein (PrPSc) in brain tissues from 3 symptomatic animals.

Prion detection in lymphoid tissues is suggestive of the infectious nature of the disease. PrPSc biochemical characterization showed differences with BSE and scrapie.

Our identification of this prion disease in a geographically widespread livestock species requires urgent enforcement of surveillance and assessment of the potential risks to human and animal health.



Olivia Munn suffers food poisoning after filming Predator in Vancouver

Olivia Munn, the 37-year-old actress, posted a selfie last week of her laying in bed to her Instagram story with a caption that read: ‘Back home (green check emoji). Food poisoning (two green check emojis).’

Munn had been in Vancouver earlier in the week filming scenes for her latest movie Predator, but it seems that she is happy to be back at her Los Angeles home in her own bed.

Brexit secretary David Davis forced to take a sick bucket to TV interview after getting food poisoning from a dodgy sarnie

Panicked BBC staff put a black bucket and a box of tissues next to Tory veteran David Davis — who has spent the past year in exhaustive talks with the EU.

Insiders claimed he even had to be walked to his chair on the Andrew Marr Show after throwing up all morning.

As he was introduced by the presenter, the clearly unsteady Cabinet minister joked: “If the camera suddenly switches to you, you’ll know what’s happened.”

Aides today blamed a dodgy sandwich.

All About That Barf: Meghan Trainor vomits on fiancé the day after proposal then he kisses her

Music News reports Meghan Trainor vomited all over her new fiance in an unfortunate food poisoning incident the day after his romantic proposal.

It wasn’t food poisoning.

The All About That Bass singer has been dating Spy Kids actor Daryl Sabara since the summer of 2016, and he popped the question on her 24th birthday on 22 December (17), transforming a garden at the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens in Palm Springs, California into a winter wonderland for the special moment.

The 24-year-old was quick to say yes and the pair continued their celebrations back at their hotel. However, things were less picture perfect the next day, when the pair drove home.

“It’s kind of gross,” she warned the presenters on U.S. TV show The Talk on Wednesday (31Jan18) before launching into the disgusting story. “We’re eating so much healthier nowadays, but we were at the hotel and we’re eating the hotel food and the day that we drove home I got food poisoning on the car ride.

“So, he’s driving and I’m just in his face like ‘urghl’ (throwing up), and I told him, ‘I’m so sorry,’ and he’s like, ‘I’d kiss you right now.'”

At that point, Sabara proved his fiance potential as he leaned over to his wife-to-be for a kiss. As the presenters admitted they were impressed by his bravery, Meghan laughed: “We pulled over, we had like a moment. He went for the nasty!”

Meghan previously revealed that she had fallen for Daryl two years before they started dating, after recognising him as the star of one of her favourite films, Spy Kids.

UK botanist reveals vegan blogger is decorating food with poisonous flowers in her Instagram photos (and eating them could make you vomit)

Imogen Blake of the Daily Mail reports a TV botanist has revealed that a popular vegan blogger has been decorating her food with poisonous flowers in Instagram photos.

James Wong, who regularly appears on CountryFile, said on Twitter that flowers decorating a fruity pink chia seed pudding in a viral photo were highly toxic and could cause vomiting. 

Though he didn’t name the blogger, FEMAIL Food&Drink can reveal the photo was originally posted on Instagram by San Francisco-based cookbook author Marie Reginato, who has 74,000 followers.

Her Instagram feed reveals she has decorated several dishes with the toxic flowers, which are PaperWhite Narcissus blooms. 

Marie Reginato has been blogging about her plant-based diet for about three years. It’s become so successful that she’s used it to publish a cookbook called Alternative Vegan

James Wong spotted Reignato’s image and revealed that the flowers decorating it are poisonous

Wong, who grew to prominence with his TV show How To Grow Your Own Drugs, said of the chia seed pudding photo to his 66,000 followers on Twitter: ‘Another day, another “clean eating” Instagramer posting images of toxic flowers on food.

‘It may not contain dairy or gluten *gasp* but it does contain the toxic plant alkaloid, lycorine. 

‘Symptoms: Itching, swelling, (and in quantity) nausea, vomiting & convulsions.’

Wong did not reveal the type of flower on the chia seed pudding, but other botany enthusiasts identified it as flowers of the Paperwhite Narcissus plant, a member of the daffodil family.

Several of her followers have highlighted that the flowers are poisonous in comments on her photos.

In case you’re gonna be near Omemee, Ontario (that’s in Canada) on Dec 1

You might want to check out the rumored Neil Young concert.

‘In Young’s memoir Shakey, he remembers it as “a nice little town. Sleepy little place. . . . Life was real basic and simple in that town. Walk to school, walk back. Everybody knew who you were. Everybody knew everybody.”’

Sounds like the town I grew up in. 

Bye Gord

The Tragically Hip have a unique space within the pages of barfblog.

They are kinda our house band.

Multiple posts have included references to their music, lyrics and videos. The music they created, meshes Canadiana, hockey and storytelling; sorta like what we try to do.

Gord Downie, lead singer of the band, passed away today after a battle with brain cancer. I’ve read a bunch of eulogies to Gord over the past couple of hours and nothing really captures his impact.

Tonight I’ll head to the arena, lace up my skates, race around the ice (somewhat terribly) as Hip songs play in my head.

That’s my tribute.


Food Safety Talk 135: This is a podcast

Don and Ben are on the road, talking to some of the best folks in the food safety world at the NEHA Region 4 conference/FDA Central Region retail food protection seminar in Minneapolis. This recording was an experiment, the first Food Safety Talk recorded in front of a live, non-studio audience. Topics included raw milk, hepatitis A, listener feedback on liquid nitrogen, our favorite Bond movies and least favorite pathogens.

Episode 135 can be found here and on iTunes.


Show notes so you can follow along at home: