What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas: new app to ID foodborne illnesses sooner

The Southern Nevada Health District has teamed up with the University of Rochester to create an app just for health officials that tracks foodborne illnesses in Las Vegas.

nemesisAt one time or another most people will have a bad experience at a restaurant. In today’s world, they are likely to take to social media to make their complaint known.

Soon the new Southern Nevada Health District app called Nemesis will be tracking your complaints about food.

“So if we find a bunch of people that got sick and they’re all at the same restaurant, we can identify that and then send out an inspector to see if there’s any particular problems at that restaurant,” said Brian Labus, epidemiologist and UNLV professor.

Nemesis is already tested and proven.

Last year, Nemesis monitored about 36,000 tweets per day. One thousand were from restaurants.