‘We have comprehensive food safety standards’ Wooden object found in breadrolls bought at Australian Woolworths

When a woman from Gailes fed her hungry niece a basic ham and cheese sandwich she got a mouthful she wasn’t expecting.

woolies.bread.wood.jan.16Tanya Frost who was babysitting her niece Samantha, 7, made the sandwich using breadrolls purchased from Woolworths at Orion Springfield.

She said Samantha was halfway through the sandwich when she found a wooden object, bigger than a toothpick in the bread.

“It was hanging out of her mouth. I was so shocked because that’s something a child could swallow,” Ms Frost told the Springfield News.

“I checked her mouth and made sure she had no chipped teeth or worse.”

“My parents took the stick and the breadrolls and spoke to the manager of the bakery,” she said.

“She couldn’t really explain how it happened.

“She said they knead the dough by hand, but there were machines there. Then she said they use the machines and then knead it but use their hands to take it out then lay it flat and place the mould over it.”

Ms Frost said the manager denied the wooden object could have been a result of poor bakery practice or faulty machinery.

“The lady did apologise and gave our money back. She also gave us a six pack of new breadrolls,” she said.

A Woolworths spokesperson told the South-West News that, “We have comprehensive food safety and quality standards in place to ensure we are delivering the highest quality products to our customers.”