FDA in India shuts down Agaccaim bakery

The directorate of food and drugs administration (FDA) on Friday raided a bakery at Agaccaim for supplying ‘stale’ chicken rolls that were ordered for a religious function at Sodovim-Verna. After consuming the rolls, several people had taken ill as a result of food poisoning.

CCP-150x150FDA director Salim Veljee informed that the officials visited the bakery on Friday morning and found that it was being operated under unhygienic conditions and there was no proper facility for storing raw material and the same was kept on the floor.

“The owner of the bakery admitted to having supplied the food items for a religious function at Sadovim in Verna,” stated Veljee adding, the bakery owner was immediately directed to shut it down till all the defects observed by the food safety officers are rectified and verified by the office of the directorate of food and drugs administration.

“The food and drugs administration officials collected samples of egg patties, cakes as well as chicken rolls and the same were sent to the laboratory for microbiological analysis. Further action can be initiated only after the receipt of the microbiological analysis of the samples sent by the police as well as the FDA officials,” Veljee said.