Book of Mormon? Utah restaurant closed for slaughtering sheep on site

The Salt Lake County Health Department closed down a Middle Eastern restaurant on Thursday after inspectors found sheep being slaughtered in the back parking lot and goats and dogs being cared for on the premises.

Middle Eastern Pastries and Deli, 3336 S. Main, Salt Lake CityThe Middle Eastern Pastries and Deli, 3336 S. Main, Salt Lake City, was cited for 47 violations in all, creating an “imminent health hazard,” according to a report on the department website.

Among the most egregious health violations found by inspectors:

  • Live sheep are being stored and slaughtered onsite in the back parking lot.
  • A plastic bag with sheep limbs and a sheep head found in the back area.
  • Live goats and dogs being cared for on the premises and the handwashing sink blocked and not being used.
  • Kitchen is in a garage and the door is open and the kitchen is not protected from contamination.
  • Food is not separated from car oil and maintenance tools in the back lot.
  • Clean dishes are being dried and stored in the mop sink because the drain boards are not big enough to accommodate clean and dirty dishes.
  • Chicken is thawing in stagnant water outside unprotected in the back lot of the establishment.
  • A chemical spray bottle is stored above a food preparation area.
  • Raw meat is stored above ready-to-eat foods in the walk-in cooler.