175 sick with Salmonella: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre kitchen dumps eggs and poultry, Lloyds of London is a food safety auditor?

I can’t make this stuff up.

The Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre will continue to source food from the same suppliers, but has suspended the use of poultry and eggs, after the second-worst outbreak of salmonella poisoning in Queensland’s history.

powell.egg.nov.14Despite the indication of potential food poisoning, poultry and eggs weren’t struck off the menu until late yesterday.

Up to six events were held at the centre yesterday.

Chief Health Officer Dr Janette Young said that the usual suspects in salmonella poisoning are poorly cooked meat, poultry, eggs and egg products.

General manager of the BCEC Bob O’Keeffe said yesterday afternoon he hadn’t considered suspending food services while the causes of the outbreak were still unknown, before a dramatic about-face from a spokeswoman later in the day.

“Not really, no. We’ve done 20 years of it, of systems and the systems have got better and better every year and we have the records of the products and the service and the timing and the suppliers,” Mr O’Keeffe had said. A spokeswoman later said eggs and poultry were being suspended as a “prudent and precautionary approach.”

About 200 people who attended the 2015 principals conference on Thursday and Friday last week have been struck down, with at least 24 people hospitalized.

The BCEC has also appointed food safety auditor Lloyds of London to begin an investigation today.

Look to the raw egg dishes that Australian chef types seem to prefer.

Here’s an updated table.